News on gut health Why do some flatulence smell particularly strong?

News on gut health Why do some flatulence smell particularly strong? / Health News
Physicians discover the possibility of reducing bad odors in flatulence
Everyone in the world is probably aware of this situation: they are in a public place and suddenly realize that they are suffering from flatulence. If you really have to let off some wind right now, it's only to be hoped that this will not stink too much. Researchers now tried to find out why some farts stink so badly and how this can be prevented.

Researchers at the Australian Monash University in Melbourne found in an investigation that our diet greatly affects the smell of farts. For this reason, farts stink sometimes so strong. The physicians published the results of their study at the Gastroenterological Society of Australia conference in Adelaide.

Sometimes our farts stink incredibly strong. Physicians now tried to find out the reasons why some outgoing winds smell so disgusting. (Image: pathdoc /

Why are some Flatulenzen so very unpleasant?
It can be extremely embarrassing if we have to fumble in public. Especially when other people are present, a strong stinking fart is difficult to hide. In such situations, of course, we are ashamed of ourselves. But there are ways to reduce the strong smell. Researchers now find out why some winds stink so much.

Diet strongly influences the smell
The scientists found out in their research that our diet is responsible for the different types of odors in farts. Some foods cause stinking flatulence, other foods reduce bad odors.

Special chemical composition of pups
Farts are a mixture of 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane and 4 percent oxygen, experts explain. The oxygen arises either by swallowed air or by chemical reactions in the intestine.

Cysteine ​​main reason for the stench
Researchers at Monash University in Melbourne have found that a product called cysteine ​​is the main cause of foul-smelling farts. Cysteine ​​is mainly found in dairy products, meat and eggs.

Experts mix fecal matter with various nutrient components
For their study, the physicians mixed feces from food with different nutrient components. Then they checked the intensity of the odors that were generated and tried to find out which components actually contribute to a strong bad smell.

Cysteine ​​increases the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas in the stomach
It was found that cysteine ​​increases the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas in the stomach very much, explain the experts. For example, particularly stinking farts are produced after the processing of certain foods. This circumstance can also explain why bodybuilders often have strong stinking farts. Bodybuilders usually consume a lot of protein powder, which then causes the stinking downdrafts, explains author Chu Yao.

Proper nutrition can reduce hydrogen sulfide by 75 percent
The scientists further stated that they seem to have found a way to reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide by at least 75 percent. People should consume about 5 percent of starchy foods, the researchers suggest. If you really want to avoid stinking your farts, eat these foods: potatoes, bananas, legumes, cereals, artichokes and asparagus. Thus, the intensity of severe odor can be reduced, the authors add.

What causes starchy food in the stomach?
The consumption of starchy food forces the human stomach to process the starch first. Thus, the focus is shifted away from the protein, which eventually reduces the production of hydrogen sulfide, experts explain.

Tips for avoiding smelly farts
Maybe you should check your diet again in the future before convening important meetings. Do not forget to add starchy foods to your diet. (As)