Strengthen the heart through cardio training

Strengthen the heart through cardio training / Naturopathy
Regular heart training, in the form of individually dosed endurance training and other physical activities, can help to prevent a wide variety of diseases and at the same time strengthens the cardiovascular system. Since cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack are among the most common causes of death in Germany, preventive training seems to be a good idea. But even in the case of a previously damaged heart, the state of health can be significantly improved through targeted, individual training. However, some guidelines should be considered here.

Anatomy and physiology
The heart: center of the organism
The heart: pictures and phrases
Lower risk of heart disease
Hiking: Heart training for heart disease
Heart training - right dose for heart disease
Heart patients do not have to spare themselves
Contraindications for heart training
Body and soul in harmony

Anatomy and physiology

The heart is in the thorax, two thirds of it in the left and one third in the right half of the chest. A healthy heart weighs between 250 and 350 grams, is about one and a half times the size of its wearer's fist, and equals a pump that supplies blood to the entire organism.

If the heart is at rest, approximately five liters of blood are pumped into the circulation per minute. This corresponds to about a power of 0.1 hp. The power increases, depending on the load, by increasing the heart rate and the stroke volume. In this case, a transport of 25 liters per minute is possible in extreme cases.

The heart: center of the organism

For centuries, the heart was considered the soul of man. The Incas therefore sacrificed the hearts of prisoners to their sun god to warm the world and give room to the sun. Many years later, however, the views changed and in the 17th century began to explore the function of the heart. The functionality of the organ came to the fore.

The heart: pictures and phrases

In many phrases around the heart it becomes clear what meaning this organ has. Something is given "from the heart" describes a person who gives things to others from within. However, when talking about a "heart of stone", emotional coldness and the inability to look after others are addressed. Phrases such as "the heart slips into my pants" or "the heart leaps for joy" express feelings such as fear or enthusiasm. Most often, however, the heart is associated with love and strong feelings, for example, by the phrase "lose his heart to a person." Even heartaches not only describe physical ailments, but also sorrow or sadness.

Lower risk of heart disease

Regular exercise and targeted cardio training can reduce the risk of various heart conditions. Already existing diseases, such as the coronary heart disease, should not be trained to go. An overload of the heart is absolutely to be avoided. So ball sports are especially contraindicated, as these encourage the trainees to get the last out of themselves in order to reach the ball yet.

Endurance sport is well suited as heart training. Image: Maridav /

The appropriate heart training, in the presence of heart disease, is endurance sports. This can be done without problems, even with low intensity. Jogging, cycling, swimming, hiking, walking and rowing - all these are sports that - deliberately and carefully performed - do not overload the heart. It is important to mention that many athletes want to accelerate at the end of their training. However, this should not be done with a damaged heart. Optimal cardio training ends with a gentle, relaxed finish. If swimming is preferred, the last lane should be swum in peace.

If heart disease is present, it is recommended to complete cardiac training for half an hour at least three times a week. But also daily training is possible.

Many people are so involved in the work and everyday life that they have very little time to complete certain sports. But this should not be the excuse for not physically moving. Even in the normal daily routine, movement can be integrated. Instead of driving daily directly to the destination by bus, S-Bahn or tram, part of the journey can be covered on foot. No special sportswear is necessary for this. Only use the lift in an emergency, as climbing stairs is also a good way to train the heart. However, caution is also here - any overload of the heart must be avoided. Even an evening walk can be a heart workout. Strict walking is preferable to strolling or short fast intervals are built into the otherwise leisurely walk. The pulse should not increase too much here.

In general, a cardiac training, in case of existing heart disease, should first be clarified with a doctor. This can also determine the individual pulse limit, which must not be exceeded during the sport.

Walking heart training in heart disease

In addition to all the endurance sports, hiking is not to be forgotten. This is a very healthy way to do cardiac training, especially if you already have heart disease. When hiking, not only the muscles are trained, but this also has positive effects on the vessels and strengthens in addition to the immune system. Especially in the lowlands, it is possible to hike almost without risk. In society, in the open air and in nature, this is much more attractive to many than lonely jogging.

However, caution is advised when the route includes steeper mountains and at higher altitudes where the air gets thinner. Training condition and previous illness of the patient play a major role here. A steep mountain or the thinning air can eventually lead to an overload of the heart. In any case, during the whole hike, whether in the lowlands or in the mountains, a conversation without breathlessness should always be possible. A holiday in the mountains requires some time to get used to it. The climate and altitude can sometimes cause problems at first.

Heart training - right dose for heart disease

Heart training for heart patients requires an individual and correct dose. In order to train and benefit from the heart and circulation, three times thirty minutes per week should be strived for. However, this does not necessarily have to be done for half an hour at a stretch. The time can also be completed in three times ten minutes. Collecting physical activities throughout the day can help here. A ten-minute walk to work, an evening walk with five-minute faster units or the frequent stairs rise in the workplace. Likewise, the staircase Treppab counts in the household.

The fastest way to succeed is when a certain amount of exercise is completed on a daily basis. The heart is slowly but steadily brought to endurance. In all activities, however, it should be noted that the pulse does not exceed fifty to seventy percent of the maximum pulse rate. The average maximum is 220 minus age. Especially with cardiac patients, this requirement is a must. A cardiologist individually determines the personal maximum pulse rate for the patient.

Heart patients do not have to spare themselves

It used to be thought that cardiac patients should be prescribed rest. Today, this rule usually only applies during an acute decompensation phase. Especially in chronic heart disease, such as chronic heart failure, heart training is the ideal way to strengthen the resilience of the heart. However, you should not start exercising overnight. In order to start the sport, a conversation with the attending physician is a prerequisite.

In many patients, staying power pays off. The quality of life and the performance improve. Many things of everyday life are not so difficult. The general load capacity increases, especially because the body is better supplied with oxygen through training. The sick heart is relieved by the endurance training. Heart sports groups, which are now available in almost every major city, offer various opportunities to do sports and this under expert guidance.

Contraindications for heart training

Although targeted, well-dosed cardiac training is conducive and also extremely healthy for most cardiac patients, there are contraindications that tend to suggest rest. In acute feverish infections and acute inflammations of the heart, such as myocarditis (myocarditis), in no case be trained. Here is really calm announced. Cardiac training is also contraindicated for acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, uncontrolled hypertension (hypertension) and dangerous arrhythmias. In general, the doctor's advice should be obtained in case of existing illnesses, before starting sports activities.

Body and soul in harmony

Heart training, also known as cardiovascular training, is an extremely important medium for promoting good health. Exercise protects the body from many diseases. As an example, the increased blood pressure should be mentioned here. It has been proven that in people who exercise regularly but moderately, the blood pressure is lower than those who are more likely to move.

Heart training, in the form of endurance sports, has a very positive effect on the lungs, cardiovascular system, brain, kidneys and muscles. Also sports activities belong to the stress killers. After a busy day many people are exhausted, tired and stressed. Sport is a great way to get your head off to better deal with daily stress. Not only the heart and circulation benefit from regular training, but also the psyche. A great side effect is that endurance sports and just running, has a winging component. That's because regular jogging, walking or walking can reduce stress hormones.

However, anyone who wants to start running or similar should be absolutely healthy or consult a doctor first. Among the sports that strengthen the heart and circulation are, above all, tight walking, hiking, walking, jogging, swimming and cycling. So that the sports activity really does have a health benefit, the sport should be chosen, which also gives pleasure. Doing sports, just for the sake of sport, is certainly the wrong approach, which ultimately can not lead to the goal. (Sw)