Heart Study Yo-yo effects increase the risks of serious cardiovascular disease

Heart Study Yo-yo effects increase the risks of serious cardiovascular disease / Health News
Heart attack and stroke risk significantly increased with weight fluctuations
The attempt of a diet often ends after the first sense of achievement with the yo-yo effect. People who try a diet more often and then regain body weight may, according to a recent study, accept significantly higher health risks. The fluctuation of body weight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and the likelihood of premature death - especially in patients already suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD), according to the research team led by Professor Sripal Bangalore of the New York University School of Medicine.

The fluctuation of body weight is a risk factor for coronary events and premature death in patients without cardiovascular disease, the researchers report. To what extent the yo-yo effect poses a risk, especially in patients with already existing coronary heart disease, the researchers have investigated in their current study. In the case of CHD patients, the risk of premature death and other cardiovascular diseases increases markedly if repeated diets with a subsequent yo-yo effect are performed. The researchers have published their study results in the journal "New England Journal of Medicine" (NEJM).

The yo-yo effect not only destroys dietary success but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. (Image: bmf-foto.de/fotolia.com)

Increased risk of coronary and cardiovascular diseases
Using 9,509 volunteers, the researchers examined possible associations between fluctuating body weight and coronary heart disease (such as myocardial infarction) and cardiovascular disease (eg, peripheral vascular disease) in a broader sense.The researchers registered 2,091 coronary, 2,727 cardiovascular and 487 cases during the observation period deaths. In the analysis of fluctuation of body weight, the researchers found that in the fifth of the subjects with the highest body weight variation, the risk of a coronary event was 64 percent higher than that of the fifth of the subjects with the least weight variation.

Heart attack and stroke risk
The risk of a cardiovascular event was 85 percent higher in the group with the highest weight fluctuations, and premature death was 124 percent higher, the researchers report. In addition, their heart attack risk was 117 percent higher and the risk of stroke 136 percent higher than the subjects with the lowest weight fluctuations, the researchers write in the NEJM.

Better refrain from dieting?
The scientists conclude that patients with coronary heart disease have a significantly higher rate of cardiovascular disease due to the fluctuation of body weight and die much more prematurely. An aspect that should always be considered in the desire for a diet. At worst, the health risk of the yo-yo effect is higher than a constant overweight. (Fp)