Heart and psyche helpers from the eleventh of September show late effects today

Heart and psyche helpers from the eleventh of September show late effects today / Health News

The suffering of the helpers - mental health problems, heart attacks, strokes

Around 3,000 lives were claimed on 11 September 2001 by the World Trade Center in New York City. The rescue operations and clean-up operations were supported by 90,000 volunteers. As a recent American study reports on the long-term effects of the attack, the survivors and helpers are still shaped by these traumatic experiences. In particular, the mental and physical health of the helpers still bears clear traces of the disaster.

According to the study, the volunteers show a significantly increased risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and heart disease. About 20 percent of male and about 26 percent of female helpers today suffer from PTSD. Furthermore, there was an approximately two-and-a-half-fold increased risk of heart attack and stroke among volunteers with PTSD. The study was recently published in the journal "Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes".

Like the cityscape, the attacks on September 11 have also shaped the souls of the helpers. According to a recent study, every fifth helper and every fourth helper suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. (Image: Jürgen Barth / fotolia.com)

6,000 helpers were observed over 10 years

A research team led by Molly Remch of the City University of New York and Zoey Laskaris of the University of Michigan investigated the late health burden of volunteers. In their investigations, the scientists accompanied more than 6,000 people for over a decade who had voluntarily supported the clean-up work. Shortly after the salvage work, the subjects were examined thoroughly. From 2012 to 2016, this group was medically monitored at regular intervals.

Already known events

The scientists assume that post-traumatic stress disorder is consistently considered an independent risk factor for a heart attack or stroke. This has been demonstrated in past cohort studies, according to the study. Nevertheless, PTSD is not officially recognized as a vascular risk factor. The study results provide researchers with a wealth of evidence that PTSD is a strong independent risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke.

Classic risk factors did not play a big role

The study was specifically designed to assess the relationship between early responses to the Word Trade Center attack and possible cardiovascular consequences. The research team was surprised to find that classical cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity or high cholesterol did not play a major role in the increased incidence of heart disease in the investigated volunteers. Similarly, the massive dust load does not seem to have any significant impact.

Traumatic stress triggers heart disease

Particularly striking was the increased incidence of posttraumatic stress disorder among the helpers. About one in five men and one woman in four developed such a mental illness. Persons affected by PTSD also showed a 2.4-fold increased risk of heart attack and stroke in the further course of the study.

Can the results be transferred to other disasters??

The researchers do not know if their results can be transferred to all 90,000 people who helped with the attacks. Nevertheless, they see a very high significance in the study results, as all participants had a similarly traumatic experience at the same time. A transferability to other major disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, floods or volcanic eruptions is conceivable.

German expert comments on the study

Professor Karl-Heinz Ladwig from Helmholtz Zentrum München considers this an important study. He himself is impressed by the results, but was not involved in the research. "If doctors were to see such patients regularly, one could avert many health consequences," reports the expert to the news agency dpa. According to Ladwig, post-traumatic stress disorder is lengthy and difficult to treat. Among other things, this is because those affected tend to retire and neglect many things.

About post-traumatic stress

PTSD can develop as a result of trauma. Often the first symptoms appear within the first six months after the experience. It often leads to fainting anger, increased irritability, exaggerated fear, grief and emotional emptiness. Physically, a PTSD can show, among other things by sweating, shaking, nausea and vomiting, respiratory distress or palpitations. Catastrophes, accidents, violent crimes and armed conflicts are considered typical triggers. (Vb)