Heart Improved recovery after heart attacks possible

Heart Improved recovery after heart attacks possible / Health News
Altered white blood cells reduce heart attack damage
White blood cells carry out extremely important functions in the organism, whereby the removal of pathogens and thus the protection against infection are of particular importance. In addition, altered white blood cells release substances "that reduce the severity of damage following a heart attack or stroke and spinal cord injury and have a positive effect on wound healing," according to the latest release from MedUni Vienna. The research group led by Hendrik Jan Ankersmit of the Clinical Department of Thoracic Surgery at MedUni Vienna had demonstrated these positive properties in irradiated white blood cells.

Although the scientists of the MedUni Vienna were able to demonstrate the beneficial effects of irradiated white blood cells in previous studies, it remained unclear which substances were responsible for the effects. In their recent research, Ankersmit and colleagues found that "a purified exosome or protein fraction" is responsible for this. In addition, lipids (fat-like substances) and other microparticles are involved. By ionizing radiation, the white blood cells would cause to pour out a complex "cocktail", which unfolds an impressive regenerative effect.

Altered white blood cells have significant potential in the treatment of heart attack damage. (Image: fotoliaxrender / fotolia.com)

White blood cells as bioreactors
The Austrian research group of the MedUni Vienna found that the ionizing radiation in the white blood cells causes an increased release of the complex "cocktail" - called APOSEC (acronym from "apoptotic secretome"). Also, the quality of the ingredients could be regulated by the irradiation, Ankersmit and colleagues report. White blood cells are thus suitable as a "bioreactor" for the production of APOSEC. The recovery of these bioreactors is very simple and comparable to the cost of a conventional blood donation. In the large animal model (in cooperation with Mariann Gyöngyösi of the Cardiology of the MedUni Vienna), a significant reduction in myocardial infarct damage by treatment with irradiated white blood cells has already been demonstrated and the "positive results arouse justified hopes for the planned studies in the skin and cardiac indication in humans" says Ankersmit. The researchers published their results in the scientific journal "Scientific Reports". (Fp)