
heart /
The heart acts as the motor of our circulatory system. The organ is slightly offset to the left behind the breastbone in the thorax. The size corresponds approximately to the fist size of the owner or the owner. It weighs between 300 and 350 grams on average. With high regular stress as with intensive endurance sport and with some illnesses like high blood pressure the heart can become also clearly bigger and heavier.

The organ is surrounded by a tissue covering, the so-called pericardium (pericardium). In addition, the heart is still covered by a second shell, the epicard, which lies directly on the heart. The space between these two covers is filled with blood serum. The coronary arteries (coronary arteries) run directly under the second sheath. They supply the heart with nutrients and oxygen. The heart wall consists mostly of special muscle fibers (endocardium), which occur only in this organ. These muscle fibers also form the heart valves.

The heart is divided into two halves of the heart separated by a septum. The left and stronger half of the heart pumps the blood into the circulation, which runs through the entire body. The right ventricle is responsible only for the care of the lungs. The two halves form a perfectly matched unit. Each half of the heart is composed of an atrium and a ventricle. In between there is a heart valve, which can only be opened in one direction. This prevents blood from flowing back.

On the left ventricle originates the large body artery (aorta) and on the right ventricle the pulmonary artery (pulmonary artery). Due to the constant contraction of the heart, the blood is forced through the entire body like a pump. In this way, about 300 liters of blood per hour are pumped through the heart and all organs, tissues and any other body cell with sufficient oxygen, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, messengers and other important substances supplied. The heart has to beat constantly and non-stop to ensure this supply. On average, it beats 100,000 times a day. (Vb)


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