Donate heart Heart surgeons want to donate their own hearts

Donate heart Heart surgeons want to donate their own hearts / Health News
Cardiac surgeons: "We are heart donors": Cardiac surgeons are sending a clear signal for organ donation and appeal to the donation readiness of the population
The lack of donor hearts is worrying. More than 700 people in Germany were on the waiting list in 2016 for a suitable donor heart (Eurotransplant).

If one's own heart is too ill to perform the vital pumping function on its own or to fulfill it completely, the heart patient needs a donor organ. Only in 291 patients could the life-saving heart transplantation be performed. For years it has not been possible to raise the number of heart transplants from the historical low of less than 300 per year. The cause is above all the declining organ donation readiness

(Image: Africa Studio /

On the occasion of the current annual conference in Leipzig, the board of the German Society for Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery gave an adjective positive sign: the responsible cardiac surgeons clearly agreed to their willingness to donate organs and emphatically appealed to the population to continue their care To deal with increasing problems with the organ donation issue and to fill a donor card, so perhaps one day to save another person's life.

Download Organ Donor Pass: Here!

The German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery e.V. (DGTHG), headquartered in Berlin, is a non-profit medical association whose goals include: promoting science and advancing therapies in the field of thoracic, cardiac and vascular surgery. Other key tasks include the implementation of continuing education programs, the preparation of medical guidelines, the promotion of junior staff and the organization of medical conferences. Representing the more than 1,000 thorax, cardiovascular and cardiovascular surgeons active in Germany and organized in the DGTHG, those responsible for the specialist society are available for dialogue with the public, politics and industry. (Pm)