Griffonia - effect, application and side effects

Griffonia - effect, application and side effects / Naturopathy

Griffonia - the African black bean

Griffonia simplicifolia, in German African black bean, traditionally use people to create good mood and boost libido. It is a creeper that grows and grows in the rain forest of West and Central Africa. As an aphrodisiac, it is especially in Ghana.

The green flowers form pods, and when they are ripe, they spew black seeds. These are exactly what beans (seeds) are all about when Griffonia is used - for anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, mood disorders, depression, migraines, disturbed sleep and a lack of serotonin. They also relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.


  • Griffonia - the African black bean
  • Griffonia as a remedy
  • Chemical agents
  • Bananas and chocolate
  • Prevent cravings?
  • What causes serotonin deficiency??
  • Consequences of serotonin deficiency
  • The Biogena study
  • Griffonia better than placebo
  • Wrong hopes?
  • interactions
  • Side effects of Griffonia
  • drug law
  • When should you sell 5-HTP??
  • Who should not take 5-HTP??

Griffonia as a remedy

The seeds are first dried, then ground and extracted with alcohol or cleaned by repeated crystallization. The resulting powder is pressed into tablets.

Griffonia grows in the rainforest of West and Central Africa and is traditionally used among other things to increase libido. (Image: Constantina Dirica /

Chemical agents

Black bean contains up to 20% 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). It is an intermediate of the amino acid tryptophan and a "raw material" for the messenger serotonin. The body can not produce tryptophan itself.

Brain and liver form in young people from the amino acid with the enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase 5-HTP. However, many people have too little of this substance. This may be due to age or stress. You should then feed 5-HTP. The brain can turn this into serotonin.

Bananas and chocolate

Bananas and chocolate, but especially the seeds of black bean, contain the substance. For chocolate, this is especially true for black chocolate with a particularly high cocoa content. Black chocolate not only improves mood, it also makes it less fat than chocolate with less cocoa. Edam and Emmentaler cheese, soybean and wheat germs and cashew nuts also contain a particularly high proportion of tryptophan.

Prevent cravings?

The craving for chocolate often comes from a lack of serotonin, which in turn leads to a "japp" on carbohydrates and uncontrolled binge eating. Griffonia offers an alternative to prevent this cravings and thus to curb overweight.

Cravings for chocolate may be due to a serotonin deficiency. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

What causes serotonin deficiency??

Dysfunctions in the serotonin household can contribute to mood disorders. Behavior and perception are also influenced by the so-called happiness hormone. It also acts on the blood clotting, the regeneration of liver and pancreas as on the heart.

A lack of serotonin sometimes leads to depression, anxiety and aggressiveness. The messenger also has an effect on sleep patterns, appetite, memory, learning, pain control, bowel movements and inflammation. Low levels of serotonin can also be detected in suicidal fantasies, stress, overweight, migraine, addictions and premenstrual syndrome.

Consequences of serotonin deficiency

A lack of serotonin also plays into other diseases. In the cardiovascular system, it helps to control the blood pressure. In the muscles of the skeleton, the substance dilates the vessels and thus increases the blood circulation.

Fibromyalgia refers to a disease characterized by muscle pain, tiredness, fever, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, and swollen lymph nodes. The cause of this disease is unknown, but it is associated with a serotonin deficiency.

The Biogena study

The Salzburg doctor Walter Wührer and other scientists created a study on the use of Griffonia in depressive states, anxiety disorders and stress. They investigated whether 5-HTP derived from African black bean in combination with B vitamins helps.

In a study of just under 70 volunteers, Griffonia supplements in people with depression and anxiety performed significantly better than placebo. (Image:

They explored 69 people with depression, anxiety and extreme stress. One group received Biogena Griffonia50 Serolution for three weeks and the other a placebo. At the beginning and at the end of the study, doctors diagnosed depression, anxiety and stress with the DASS questionnaire (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales).

Griffonia better than placebo

The black bean preparation showed significantly better results than the placebo: in the case of depression by 45% compared to 22% in the placebo; at anxiety 63% versus 34%; After all, the Griffonia subjects achieved 50% of the stress compared to 39% of those who used the placebo.

Wrong hopes?

To the speculated effects of Griffonia on obesity, migraine, pain as well as sleep disorders, there are no valid studies. In any case, they should not take preparations from black bean without medical supervision.

Caution is also given in the case of an overdose: If the serotonin level in the brain increases excessively, serotonin syndrome occurs: fever, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, sweating, cramps and heart problems.


Griffonia should not be taken with St. John's wort, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and some analgesics as it increases their effects. Pregnant women should avoid the preparations.

When ingested orally, 5-HTP first increases serotonin levels and secondly, levels of other messengers such as dopamine, melatonin and norepinephrine.

Side effects of Griffonia

5-HTP can cause side effects. These include nausea, fatigue, stomach, muscle and headaches, diarrhea, bloating and dizziness.

drug law

In the US and the UK, black bean supplements are freely available as a nutritional supplement. However, 5-hydroxytryptophan is covered by the German Medicines Act (AMG) in Germany. There is a prescription requirement.

Attention: The drinks, powders, capsules and tablets derived from the seeds of black bean, which serve as a dietary supplement, are banned in Germany.

If "alarm" signs such as palpitations, dizziness or nausea on the black bean preparation should be discontinued immediately. (Image: Antonioguillem /

When should you sell 5-HTP??

You should not take the supplements if you feel shaking and cramping, heart palpitations and heart problems, vomiting and nausea, rapid breathing, hallucinations and other disorders of consciousness.

Who should not take 5-HTP??

5-HTP is not suitable for people with anorexia and low weight. People who suffer from gastrointestinal ulcers or have blood anomalies should be aware of whether blood counts are changing.

For other possible risk groups studies are missing. Until these are present, 5-hydroxytryptophan is taboo for people with severe diseases of liver such as kidney, allergic and autoimmune disease patients. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
