Grilling charcoal and pork are preferred

Grilling charcoal and pork are preferred / Health News

When grilling prefer German charcoal and pork


For most Germans, summer barbecues include flip flops or sunglasses. The majority of Germans prefers the charcoal grill. The Germans prefer to sizzle pork, although there are healthier alternatives.

Barbecuing is part of the summer for most
The barbecue tongs belong to many Germans for summer like flip-flops and sunglasses. Two-thirds of German citizens grilled in the warm months at least from and to, as is apparent from a dpa message. At 30 percent of them, there is even regular or very often Bratwurst and Co. from the rust, as an online survey of the pollster YouGov has found out. Overall, the grill is slightly more heated in men than in women. Only eight percent of male respondents said they never had a barbecue. For women, this proportion is twice as large. However, the survey does not reveal who serves the grill and holds the sausage turner in his hand.

Germans prefer charcoal
The hotly debated question for years „Charcoal or gas grill?“ was at least statistically answered clearly. For example, 70 percent of the respondents prefer classic charcoal and only nine percent use the gas appliance. Electric grills are favored by 18 percent. The Germans like to put pork on the grid (39 percent). Poultry and beef follow in the sizzling hit list, each with a clear distance. Taking into account health issues, this is not good news as the increased consumption of red meat (pork, beef, veal, sheep, lamb, goat) poses an increased health risk.

Meatless alternatives
For example, red meat consumption has been linked to significant health risks such as pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer or diabetes in numerous studies. There are many delicious meatless alternatives for every BBQ, such as corncobs, vegetable skewers or soybeans and burgers. According to nutrition experts, people who eat vegetarian or vegan tend to be less likely to be overweight and obese.

Fruit for dessert on the grill
But if you stay with the meat, you can at the BBQ with fruit something healthy on the grill. So it makes sense, as a dessert for barbecue fans: to lay fruits on the grid. According to the latest survey, almost one in three people can not spoil a planned barbecue even in bad weather. The Lower Franconian industrial city of Schweinfurt may look this year as „German grill capital“ describe. At the weekend, 43 teams are sizzling for the title at the German Grill and BBQ Championship. (Ad)

Image: Marco Karch