Psyllium husk - application and effect

Psyllium husk - application and effect / Naturopathy

Psyllium husk- Such is the effect and so they are used

Seeds of fleas? But no. Psyllium husks are so called because the appearance of psyllium is reminiscent of fleas. Psyllium, also known as psyllium, comes from plantain plants such as Plantago afra (psyllium plantain), Plantago arenaria (sand plantain) and Plantago ovata (Indian psyllium). The latter are the most sought after and are therefore mostly used.


  • Psyllium husk- Such is the effect and so they are used
  • More than 2000 years ago
  • effect
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • irritable bowel
  • diverticulum
  • diabetes
  • Hemorrhoids and anal fissures
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Lose weight
  • acidosis
  • External application
  • Use with cat, dog and horse
  • application forms
  • limitations
  • side effects
  • Recipes with psyllium husk

As the name suggests, the psyllium husks are the psyllium husks. These are the indigestible parts of the seeds, which have a high water binding quality and contain a large amount of fiber. They can absorb many times their own weight in water. They are healthy, tolerable, digestible, have a gentle effect and are suitable for long-term use.

Psyllium seeds contain rough amounts of fiber. (Image: dima_pics /

More than 2000 years ago

More than 2000 years ago, the psyllium husks were already known. They were used in India for gastrointestinal complaints. The ancient Greeks treated gout and ulcers with healthy peels. In folk medicine they were used externally for painful joints in connection with gout and internally for inflammation of the mucous membranes. The abbess Hildegard von Bingen also knew about their effect.


The psyllium husks are very low in calories and are therefore welcome in almost any diet. The contained mucilage can bind a large amount of water, which in case of constipation, can stimulate the intestine. But even with the opposite, with diarrhea, they do their good. They deprive the gut of the water and solidify in this way the chair. The mucilages additionally have a soothing effect.

The psyllium husks also contain flavonoids, known as radical scavengers, which in turn has a positive effect on a healthy immune system.

The effect on the intestine does not occur immediately. The positive effects are only expected after two to three days.


The effect of the psyllium husk in constipation is probably the best known. For mild, non-pathological constipation, laxatives need not be used immediately. These not only deprive the body of water, but also vital minerals and this can lead to deficiency symptoms over time. The psyllium husks swell up in the intestine and thus stimulate intestinal peristalsis. The mucilage ensures lubricity. However, it is important that the bowls are taken with a large portion of water. Especially pregnant women often suffer from constipation. Here is the application of psyllium husk a gentle way to counteract.

A psyllium porridge helps against constipation and diarrhea. (Image: animaflora /


Diarrhea also responds well to psyllium husks. These take, as already mentioned, the excess of liquid and thus solidify the stool.

irritable bowel

Irritable bowel syndrome is an exclusion diagnosis. When all the diseases in the intestine are excluded, but suffer from diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and cramps, the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is often made. This mainly affects women. Such an irritable bowel can be very uncomfortable. Here, psyllium husks are part of the therapy. In one study, it was found that the plant fibers in the psyllium husk cure the intestine better than, for example, the oat bran fibers.


Diverticula are protuberances of the intestine, where feces accumulate and which can inflame under massive pain. The diverticula does not disappear with the intake of the psyllium. However, the stool softens and can more easily pass through the intestine - to minimize the likelihood of inflammation. The mucilages have a soothing effect and thus protect the intestinal walls.


The psyllium is said to cause a delayed uptake of sugar into the blood and can even reduce it. So the peels can lower blood sugar and are a good home remedy for diabetics. However, the doctor should be consulted before use. It may be necessary to adjust the medication, as the need for insulin may change as a result of ingesting the psyllium husk.

Hemorrhoids and anal fissures

Hemorrhoids and anal fissures (painful tearing of the skin on the anus) are often caused by stool. Here is the intake of psyllium husk displayed. The stool softens and, despite the hemorrhoids or anal fissures, can be passed more easily and, above all, without pain.

Bread with psyllium may also help with hemorrhoids and anal fissures. (Picture: Peti /

For this, the daily dose is divided into three times a day and, above all, a large glass of water is drunk every time.

Elevated cholesterol

First of all, cholesterol is important to the body. This is a component of the cell walls, basic building block for some hormones and important for fat digestion. An increased consumption of fat food, but also predisposition, can lead to an elevated cholesterol level. This does not always have to be treated immediately with medication.

The psyllium husks, with their fiber and their mucilage, are able to bind to the cholesterol and easily eliminate it. Studies indicate that both tri-glyceride levels and LDL and total cholesterol plus insulin levels can be reduced by prolonged intake of psyllium husks. This is definitely worth a try.

Lose weight

Even when losing weight the psyllium husk is a good companion. They are best eaten about half an hour before the meal and a glass of water is drunk afterwards. The seeds swell in the stomach, making it easier to eat less. In addition, the seeds are extremely low in calories.


Stress, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, medications and much more can lead to hyperacidity. Fatigue, headaches, malaise and muscle aches are just a fraction of the symptoms that show up. Here, the diet should be changed necessarily. Healthy basic food, poor in animal is the basis for it. In addition, daily exercise (preferably in the fresh air) and adequate drinking quantities are announced.

Psyllium may help. They are basic and thus (moderately) counteract hyperacidity - of course only together with the other measures mentioned. In addition, it is cleaned by the regular intake of the psyllium husks of the intestine.

External application

Psyllium husks show their effects not only internally, but also externally. They have an antibacterial, decongestant and anti-inflammatory.

Some water, warm or cold as needed, is mixed with powdered psyllium husks to a paste and applied to the affected area. For abscesses or boils, use warm water and cover the seed pad loosely with a cloth. The whole thing can act for several hours and is then rinsed with lukewarm water.

For sprains or joint pain, a "cold porridge" is used. This, applied directly to the painful areas, is covered with a cloth and then remains there as long as this is comfortable. Then, as mentioned above, remove with lukewarm water.

The envelopes can be done up to twice a day.

Use with cat, dog and horse

Even cat, dog and horse benefit from the psyllium husks. In order to regulate the intestines of the animals in a simple and healthy way, to promote the metabolism and the general well-being, these shells are scattered into the feed. Also the coat and the claws profit from it. It is also important to mention that the animal must drink enough.

application forms

The psyllium husk is pure, so without additives, available. Care should be taken to ensure that the seeds are finely powdered, from 95 to 99 percent purity and consist of Indian psyllium seed (Plantago ovata).

Psyllium must always be consumed with enough water. (Picture: UbjsP /

The Indian is attributed a higher swelling capacity than the other species. Furthermore, small bags are commercially available containing about 3.5 grams of powdered psyllium husk enriched with sweetener, coloring and acidulants. This is dissolved in water, stirred and drunk.

If you do not want to dissolve or stir, you can grab capsules. This is the simplest method. But here too, as with the other two methods of application, at least one glass of water is needed afterwards.

The maximum daily amount depends on the application form. Please follow the manufacturer's instructions. Children in the age from 6 years get usually half. However, most of the intake is recommended in children from the age of 12 years.

The following must be observed:
What can not be repeated often enough is that enough liquid has to be drunk together with the psyllium. The seeds must be able to swell. Best before taking a glass of water and then at least one further. So that the seeds first swell in the gastrointestinal tract, please drink while standing or sitting.


Although the psyllium husk is a natural product and is suitable as a home remedy, the following application restrictions apply:

  • If the amount of drinking is limited by existing conditions such as renal dysfunction or heart disease, the use of semen is contraindicated.
  • Narrowing in the esophagus or stomach and intestinal tract are also excluded from the application. If an intestinal obstruction has already occurred, affected persons should not take psyllium.
  • Some analgesics, cardiovascular drugs, and dehydrating drugs may inhibit intestinal activity as a side effect. It is essential to refrain from psyllium husks.

side effects

Side effects are usually not noticeable. The prerequisite is that you follow the recommendations for use and may increase the intake slowly. Flatulence and slight abdominal pain are possible. This is often because the amount of psyllium husk was too large and / or too little water was drunk.

Allergic reactions such as runny nose, eye irritation, skin lesions or the like are rare. If you do, cancel the names immediately.

Recipes with psyllium husk

Psyllium husks can enrich the muesli, give the smoothie something healthy or even refine the bread.

Psyllium seeds refine and firm up every smoothie. (Image: George Dolgikh /

For a smoothie, for example, mix a banana, a handful of raspberries, a little mint, a tablespoon of psyllium husks, and 500 ml of coconut water (or still water) until a homogeneous liquid has formed. Especially if you do not want to take the seeds pure, this is a good alternative.

If you prefer a cereal for breakfast, you may want to try the following recipe: First, a heaping teaspoon of psyllium husks is mixed with a little yogurt. There are also delicate oatmeal, walnuts and some fruit. It is sweetened with honey or agave syrup. Maybe some almond, soy or rice milk over it. Afterwards, a large glass of water or tea is drunk.

These are just two suggestions - maybe you just experiment with the healthy bowls - they are really easy to integrate into the daily routine. (Sw)