Psyllium helpful in chronic constipation

Psyllium helpful in chronic constipation / Health News

Psyllium and Co: Help with chronic constipation


An occasional constipation is not uncommon in many people. However, if the bowel causes permanent problems and complaints such as bloating or loss of appetite are added, chronic constipation could be the cause. This does not necessarily have to be treated with medication. Often, simple home remedies can help.

Do not start using medicines right now
The fact that the intestine is out of balance, is not uncommon for many people. A consequence of this can be constipation. Affected suffer not only because of the usually delayed and often painful evacuation, but also because of the additional symptoms such as digestive problems, flatulence, loss of appetite or rapid fatigue. The problem does not necessarily have to be treated with medication. In many cases, simple home remedies, a diet change and other tips can also help.

Adapt lifestyle
People who suffer from chronic constipation should first adjust their lifestyle. In addition to a fiber-rich diet is one of much to drink and enough to move. If this does not improve within four weeks, fiber supplements may also be used, such as psyllium husk or wheat bran. This is what the German Nutrition Society (DGE) points out in its new guidebook „Eating and drinking with chronic constipation“ as the news agency dpa reports. Although this does not work, a doctor must first rule out other causes of constipation, such as lower pelvic floor. Before, laxatives should not be used.

10 to 15 percent of German adults are affected
Chronic constipation is reported to occur when at least two of the following symptoms persist for at least three months: less bowel movements, less than every three days, laborious bowel movements or bloating, malaise, flatulence, and abdominal cramps. According to the DGE, about 10 to 15 percent of adults in Germany suffer from chronic constipation. According to experts, women are twice as likely to be affected as men.

Increase fiber intake
The most important preventative measure against constipation and the first step of a treatment is a higher fiber intake. First, you should eat more vegetables, about three servings per day (400 grams). One portion would be, for example, a paprika or a handful of dried legumes such as peas or lentils. It is also useful to eat two portions of fruit a day. These can be, for example, an apple and two hands full of strawberries. Those affected should abstain from white bread and better access to wholemeal bread. Whole wheat varieties are also better alternatives for noodles and rice. Fiber is not only ideal for stimulating digestion, but also good satiety and also reduces the risk of obesity or obesity and high blood pressure.

Drink a lot
A cereal made from oatmeal or other wholegrain flakes is recommended as a breakfast, ideally homemade. This can be enriched, for example, with fresh fruit, linseed, dried fruit and nuts. It is also recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters per day, with the amount best spread evenly throughout the day. Those who are prone to constipation can try out whether carbonated water stimulates the intestines. However, people with a sensitive stomach or a tendency to bloating and abdominal pain should choose better low-carbon or non-carbonated drinks. In addition, sour milk products such as yoghurt, buttermilk or concentrated milk have a positive influence on the intestinal health. Furthermore, the bowel movement may be facilitated by exercise in the form of a brisk walk, gymnastics and exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles. Even abdominal massages with circular movements in a clockwise direction can sometimes help. (Ad)