Liquid biopsy for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer

Liquid biopsy for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer / Health News

Liquid biopsy is intended to replace tissue removal in metastatic colorectal cancer


Scientists at the MedUni Vienna are testing a new diagnostic method for colorectal cancer that can do without the previously required biopsies (removal of tissue samples). „At the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) Vienna of the MedUni Vienna and the Vienna General Hospital, a study is now being started on patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who are investigating a new diagnostic procedure, the liquid biopsy in the form of a blood test“, so the message of MedUniWien.

The emergence of resistance to therapy is one of the key challenges in the treatment of intestinal cancer. For the monitoring of the course of treatment, it is therefore necessary to regularly take samples of tissue samples, which, however, carry a certain risk and can be a considerable burden for the patients. The aim of the scientists is therefore the development of a new method by which the formation of resistance of tumors can be detected early on, in order to make targeted therapeutic adjustments.

Tumors develop resistance to therapy
Study Director Gerald Prager from the University Department of Internal Medicine I of the MedUni Vienna and the AKH Vienna and a member of the CCC reports on the occasion of the international colorectal cancer month of March that tumors often change their biological properties during therapy. This allows them to develop resistance to the treatment. Therapeutic resistance is one of the major problems in colorectal cancer treatment. To detect the changes in the tumors „and be able to respond to them with medication, it would be necessary to take regular samples of tumor tissue, ie biopsies“, reports Gerald Prager. „These are taken, for example, in the course of small operations or during computed tomography, but they pose a risk to the patients and are stressful“, so Prague continues.

Blood sampling as a liquid biopsy
Therefore, in their current study, the Viennese researchers are testing blood sampling in the form of a liquid biopsy as an alternative to the usual tissue harvesting. „Liquid biopsies take advantage of the fact that tumors and their metastases excrete tumor cells and fragments of tumor DNA, which then circulate in the blood“, explain how Prague and colleagues work with the new diagnostic procedure. In her opinion, that would be „Establishment of liquid biopsies as a standard procedure a milestone in the course of diagnosis and thus in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.“ Because the blood samples are for the „Patients usually hardly burden, and also easier, faster and cheaper to perform than tissue biopsies“, so the conclusion of the scientists.

Study to establish the new diagnostic procedure
The new method of liquid biopsy for metastatic colorectal cancer is being investigated in the clinical study called CRC-RELY (Colorectal Cancer Regorafenib Liquid Biopsy), which is a multi-center research project under the direction of MedUni Vienna and with the active participation of other hospitals in Austria, Italy and Switzerland is designed. Study leader Gerald Prager emphasized that she „with this clinical study of the first facilities in the world to deal with the establishment of this diagnostic procedure.“ Here you go „Once again it is clear that the MedUni Vienna and the CCC occupy a leading position in the field of oncological research.“ (Fp)

> Image: NicoLeHe