Inflammation of the eyelid Barley grain

Inflammation of the eyelid Barley grain / Diseases

Augenlidentzündungen: Outer and Inner Barley Grain (Hordeolum)

A barley grain is in view of the clearly visible signs of disease on the eye and the added pain for those affected a very unpleasant symptoms. In itself, however, this special inflammation of the eyelid usually takes a harmless course and heals after a few days by itself again. Through therapeutic measures, but also by various home remedies, the healing can be additionally supported.

If the barley grain persists for more than a week, significant increases in inflammation can be detected, further symptoms such as fever or headache are added and / or repeated laryngeal inflammations appear, then urgent medical attention should be sought.


  • Augenlidentzündungen: Outer and Inner Barley Grain (Hordeolum)
  • definition
  • symptoms
  • causes
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • Naturopathy


The barley grain (Hordeolum) describes the inflammation of a sebaceous or sweat gland on the eyelid. If the external Moll or Zeis gland is affected, this is referred to in medicine as Hordeolum externum, while in inflammation of the internal meibomian gland of a Hordeolum internum is mentioned. The barley grain is in principle a small abscess on the eyelid and thus a special form of eyelid inflammation (blepharitis).

A barley grain is extremely unpleasant for those affected, but usually heals by itself after about a week. (Image: Heiko Barth /


The symptoms of the inner and outer barley grain is quite different. Although tenderness, itching, and pain on the eyelid are typical symptoms in both forms, the extent of redness and swelling can vary significantly. And because the hordeolum internum is directed internally, there is an increased risk of complications.

Usually after about two to four days around the affected gland a delimited purulent focus forms. In the further course, the barley grain finally burst, so that the pus can drain and the inflammation slowly goes back. In some people, however, the inflammation expands, which can lead to conjunctivitis or inflammation of the entire eye (orbital phlegmon), for example.

In some severe cases, people also develop fever, general malaise, and swollen lymph nodes. A timely doctor's visit is strongly advised. Because veins lead to the brain from the affected region, the causative agents in this way can also trigger further complications, including life-threatening meningitis (meningitis).

Cause of the barley grain is the bacterial infection of a gland on the eyelid with appropriate inflammation. (Image: Henrie /


The direct cause of the barley grain is the bacterial infection of a sebaceous or sweat gland on the eyelid. Most common causes are bacteria of the genus of staphylococci, but other pathogens can cause the disease. The risk of infection itself can be influenced by several factors. For example, rubbing frequently with dirty fingers on the eye, as small children often do, increases the risk of barley grain. The wearing of contact lenses or a lot of makeup are also called predestined factors. In addition, there are existing diabetes diseases and general weakening of the immune system as further risk factors. Therefore, a repeated medical check should be carried out in this direction.


On the basis of the complaints, the outer barley grain is generally recognizable even to laymen. In the inner hordeolum internum, however, sometimes a specialist diagnosis is required to exclude a secretion of sebaceous gland (hailstone or chalazion), which can also trigger a Lidentzündung. A hailstone is felt as a kind of knot in the eyelid and usually remains painless. However, with the pressure on the eyeball, larger hailstones often need to be surgically removed, which can be done in an outpatient procedure.

The specialist examination also examines the surrounding tissue structures in order to detect possible spreads of inflammation and to limit the risk of complications.


In principle, it is useful not to work on the eye with the hands during the entire period of origin as well as to refrain from contact lenses and make-up in order to minimize the entry of further pathogens and to avoid transmission of the infection to other tissue structures. In addition, topical treatment with antibiotic ointments and eye drops may help limit infection and reduce inflammation.

If the barley grain does not burst on its own, a surgical opening is possible to allow the pus to drain and begin healing. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Trying to independently open barley seeds is strongly discouraged, as it can result in significant complications.

In case of emergency, the surgical opening of the barley grain is necessary to facilitate the healing. (Image: DragonImages /


For the healing to begin, the Gerstenorn must first open. For this purpose, heat treatment is used in natural healing. They should accelerate the opening of the hordeolum, so that the pus can flow off. A heat or red light lamp can serve here as well as a heat source, such as warm conditions, which are produced in the naturopathic treatment, for example based on chamomile flowers or flaxseed. Even pads with fennel water compresses are used against barley grains application.

Irradiation with red light can accelerate the opening of the barley grain. (Image: Jürgen Fälchle /

Since a carryover and the further entry of pathogens are threatening, however, strict conditions must always be observed in the requirements and their application is thoroughly controversial. The same applies to the traditionally widely used washings, envelopes and eye baths based on eyebright. Although Sebastian Kneipp, founder of Kneipp medicine, had recommended such treatments. However, the eyewashes used must be sterile in order not to risk any further entry of pathogens and there is a threat of carryover of existing germs to surrounding tissue structures. Therefore, proceed with caution.

In the field of homeopathy, especially the active ingredients Pulsatilla, Staphisagria but also Apis, Hepar sulfuris and Silicea are used against the inflammation of the eyelid. Other naturopathic measures often aim at a general strengthening of the immune system, in order to minimize the risk of infection in the future. Basically, the prevention of barley grain focuses on the hygiene of the eyes and the immune system. (jvs, fp, updated on 03.08.2016)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)