Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels & lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels & lymph nodes / Diseases

Lymphangitis - the "wrong blood poisoning"

An insect bite or a small wound is often disregarded, but it can be the cause of inflammation of the lymphatic vessels (lymphangitis). Bacteria can enter the lymphatic system at this point, triggering "fake blood poisoning," which can lead to serious complications. One of the most common consequences is inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis).

  • Small wounds or insect bites usually cause the trigger lymphangitis.
  • In the further course threatens an inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • A red visible band under the skin is one of the most striking symptoms, but it may also be rather inconspicuous symptoms such as general malaise or itching occur.
  • Lymphangitis can also cause life-threatening blood poisoning if the causative agents enter the bloodstream.


  • Lymphangitis - the "wrong blood poisoning"
  • Definition of lymphangitis and lymphadenitis
  • Why "wrong blood poisoning"
  • Skin injuries as a cause
  • Bacteria are the most common triggers
  • Symptoms and complications
  • Natural medical possibilities and limits
  • Further articles

Definition of lymphangitis and lymphadenitis

Lymphangitis belongs to the diseases of the lymphatic vessels and denotes a bacterial inflammation along the lymphatic vessels. If lymph nodes are infected in the course of lymphangitis or due to other causes, it is called lymphadenitis, an inflammation of the lymph node. Most inflammations are harmless, but serious complications can occur if therapeutic measures are not taken in time.

Lymphatic inflammation can spread to the lymph nodes when the bacteria enter the local lymphoid tissue (Image: defun /

Why "wrong blood poisoning"

Although the inflammation affects the lymphatic vessels, lymphangitis is still colloquially referred to as blood poisoning. The wandering red stripe, which moves towards the middle of the body, does not affect the blood vessels but the lymphatic system.

Skin injuries as a cause

By injuries of the skin, such as

  • a cut,
  • abrasions,
  • Animal bites and
  • insect bites

pathogens can enter the lymphatic system, which can then trigger lymphangitis.

Bacteria are the most common triggers

In most cases lymphatic streptococci or staphylococci infect the lymphatic vessels. But other bacteria or viruses can be the trigger. They enter the lymph drainage area of ​​the skin wound and are transported in the lymphatic system with the lymphatic fluid flowing. This is how they get to the lymph nodes. In addition to provide skin injuries as well

  • Fungal diseases (mycoses) between the toes,
  • limited wound healing in diabetes mellitus,
  • a chronic venous insufficiency,
  • as well as the postthrombotic syndrome

good conditions for the development of lymphangitis.

It is generally assumed that an infection of the lymphatic system is associated with a weakened immune system.

After an insect bite it can come to inflammations in the lymphatic system. (Image: kozorog /

Symptoms and complications

In case of "wrong blood poisoning" the following symptoms may occur:

  • A warm, red stripe under the skin,
  • lymphadenopathy,
  • Pus bubbles (abscesses),
  • lymphedema,
  • erythema,
  • itching,
  • a headache,
  • general malaise
  • and fever, even with chills.

A warm, tender red streak that spreads from the area around the injury (often the extremities) to the body trunk is one of the first symptoms. To this day, the legend of the "blood poisoning", which indicates its progress through the red stripe, leads to the death of the heart.

In fact, "complication" of lymphatic inflammation can cause "real" sepsis when the bacteria invade the bloodstream, leading to a life-threatening, high-fever, chills-like general infection. Frequently recurring lymphangitis can also lead to the formation of lymphedema due to the destruction of the lymphatic vessels.

If the lymph nodes are affected, they also react with the signs of inflammation pressure pain and swelling, the overlying skin is overheated and reddened. The complication threatens the formation of a purulent abscess.

Natural medical possibilities and limits

In case of suspected lymphatic inflammation or lymph node inflammation in any case, a doctor should be consulted. First of all, a malignant disease (malignant lymphomas such as Hodgkin's disease, infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis) must be ruled out, and antibacterial use must always be taken into account in cases of bacterial involvement. Since an inflamed lymph node is prone to suppuration, even a surgical procedure is often unavoidable (opening or removal of the lymph node).

In the case of incipient inflammation, in particular by viral pathogens, however, numerous naturopathic methods are suitable for the concomitant treatment of lymphangitis and lymphadenitis, such as:

  • the enzyme therapy,
  • Herbal wrap and
  • Healing clay envelopes.

Enzymes, for example, have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects when used at the right dose. Users of the Neural Therapy inject directly along the inflamed lymphatics and additionally try to use the injections against suspected, chronic-scattering inflammatory lesions (paranasal sinuses, etc.). In acute infections, cold compresses with healing clay or herbal supplements can bring relief and reduce inflammation.

Homeopaths are looking for the appropriate remedies for acute complaints, general condition and state of mind. In particular, strengthening the immune system with Echinacea is recommended in homeopathy for inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.

In homeopathy, Echinacea is often used in inflamed lymphatic vessels to strengthen the immune system. (Image: PhotoElite /

Important: A self-treatment without medical (medical) observation is in any case advised against due to the possible malignant underlying diseases and serious complications.

Further articles

  • The human lymphatic system - structure and functioning; The lymphatic system pervades almost our entire body, but what is it for and how does it work??
  • Lymphedema - Causes and Treatment; Another relatively widespread disease of the lymphatic system.
  • Symptom lymphadenopathy; What can be the causes?

(fp, ok, updated March 22, 2018)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)