Inflammation A necessary evil

Inflammation A necessary evil / Health News

Why inflammation makes sense


Inflammation is the body's response to pathogens and the spark of self-healing and part of the immune system.
An irritated tooth root, arthritis in the knee or just a simple sunburn. Inflammations are usually painful. However, they are paradoxically used by doctors specifically in therapy.

Every inflammation leads to a significant defense reaction in the body. Natural enzymes (proteins), which the body receives from the diet, promote the healing process.

They perform three tasks: they attract cells that fight an infection, they form a physical barrier and stimulate tissue repair. Five signs of inflammation: redness, overheating, swelling, pain, impaired function. Recognizable, however, these five characters are not always and usually only partially detectable.

Fight against cancer cells and spoiled food
Professor Eugen Faist, Head of the Department of Experimental Surgery focusing on Inflammation Research at Klinikum Großhadern, points to the need for inflammation:

„Inflammation is primarily a good process, otherwise we would not even survive a spoiled pudding. For example, the so-called immunoinflammatory system destroys millions of tumor cells that circulate in our bodies on a daily basis. Without inflammation, it would cause cancer.“

Of many inflammations in the body, humans usually get nothing. Only when the body is significantly impaired. The body usually heals itself by cold viruses, sunburn or stomach bacteria.

Inflammation against diseases
Physicians have taken advantage of the healing effects of inflammatory processes in which different cells of the immune system work together: as reactions to the release of messenger substances (cytokines) widen the blood vessels and become more permeable. As a result, the attracted repair cells (leukocytes) get better to the tissue.

Dermatitis by pepper for relaxed muscles
If you stick a plaster with capsaicin on your neck when your muscles are tense, you are using peppermint as the trigger for a slight inflammation of the skin. The strong blood circulation associated with burning and redness warms the skin deep down on the skin and relaxes the muscles.

Varicose veins and broom licks
Dislodge doctors by injecting a substance into the affected veins, which inflames their inner walls. The blood vessel sticks and the bluish discoloration disappears. So it is an artificial inflammation initiated to initiate a cure.

New muscle cells
By injecting a mixture of patient's blood and heparin into the injury site, sports physicians try to heal faster and without scarring in muscle injuries such as fiber tears,. „Due to the inflammatory activity of the blood cells, destroyed muscle cells are eaten and transported away. It accelerates the buildup of new muscle fibers“, says inflammation expert Faist.

Bee venom against rheumatism
In alternative medicine bee venom is used for rheumatic complaints. The so-called Apitherapy accesses ointments and injections with bee venom. The onset of inflammatory processes to push back swelling, inflammation and pain in the joints. However, the effects can hardly be proven by studies.

Respond to inflammations
Enzymes that are delivered to the body via enzyme-rich foods or supplements can scavenge the free radicals and promote a rapid healing process. However, as the foods currently contain hardly any active enzymes, a supply of enzymatically active food concentrates is recommended.

It is advisable to consider a holistic approach that includes both the exact analysis of dietary habits and a corresponding recommendation for basic bowel rehabilitation. (Fr)

Picture: Kai Niemeyer