Non-medical practitioner Kurt Mölich

Non-medical practitioner Kurt Mölich / Naturopaths

Naturopathic practice Kurt Mölich
Adolfstr. 15
Town: Lahnstein 56112
telefonbefore: 02621-1899838
Mail: [email protected]

Description of the practice: Craniosacral osteopathy for adults, children and infants. Birth-related craniosacral pediatric treatment, visceral osteopathy, craniosacral trauma work, holistic and resource-oriented pain therapy for acute and chronic complaints (including headaches, migraine, craniomandibular dysfunction, back pain, whiplash, chronic fatigue) process work with domestic flower essences (Eifel flowers), body and perception therapy, holistic naturopathic Care of my patients, seminars in craniosacral osteopathy at the Paracelsus School Koblenz and in my practice (on request you will get more information).