Alternative practitioner Liberaler Mittelstand advocates for non-medical practitioners

Alternative practitioner Liberaler Mittelstand advocates for non-medical practitioners / Health News
The Federal Association "Liberaler Mittelstand e.V." from the FDP related entrepreneurs opposes efforts to abolish the profession "naturopaths". The Federal Executive Board unanimously approved this at its most recent weekend meeting in Kronberg / Taunus.

(Photo: photophonie / Fotolia)

Background is the so-called "Münster Memorandum" from the environment of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, in which a substantial modification of the professional law is required, which would be equivalent to an abolition of the profession "Naturopath". In parts of federal politics, these demands met with approval. On the other hand, the FDP-affiliated business association rejects them. "Article 12 of our Basic Law secures the non-medical practitioners a comprehensive protection of existing", explains the Federal Chairman of the Liberal Mittelstand Thomas L. Kemmerich. "This applies until empirical findings are available as to whether this profession actually jeopardizes the patient's welfare."

As a member of the Bundestag, Kemmerich also wanted to campaign for this fundamental attitude within his FDP faction. Critics alleged wrong treatment so far are all clearly identifiable individual cases. "The prerequisite for the abolition of a complete occupation is not given for the liberal middle class."