Non-medical practitioner Mario Filsinger

Non-medical practitioner Mario Filsinger / Naturopaths

Non-medical practitioner Mario Filsinger: Specialist practice for social and creative professionals

Mario Filsinger is a non-medical practitioner with a focus on "Stress-Associated Diseases." With over 10 years of design, culture & adult education, he is well versed in the concerns of modern freelancers. The de-spam of everyday life. STRESS is the theme for (almost) anyone who is in any way on the go in the workplace. Much & lasting stress can be the precursor to serious and lasting mental & physical illnesses. SPAM does not just have to be unwanted advertising emails. But also unwanted everyday phenomena. Customers, colleagues and all the rest. Naturopathy can help you to become more relaxed and to meet the demands of everyday life.

Non-medical practitioner Mario Filsinger
Stader Str. 35
28205 Bremen
Tel: 04403-6200005
Mail: [email protected]