Naturopaths Congress in Karlsruhe

Naturopaths Congress in Karlsruhe / Health News

German Non-medical Convention on 18./19. June 2011 in Karlsruhe under the motto: „Non-medical practitioner - competence and quality in naturopathy“


"Non-medical practitioner - competence and quality in matters of natural healing" is the motto of this year's German Non-medical Practitioners Congress, which takes place on 18 and 19 June 2011 for the 21st consecutive year in the Karlsruhe Exhibition and Congress Center (KMK). The Heilpraktikerkongress is a specialist event for non-medical practitioners, therapists or non-medical practitioner candidates from all over southern Germany.

The focus of the two-day specialist event is a thematically broad-based lecture program with outstanding professional staff. Competent speakers present diagnostic and therapeutic methods and provide competent and understandable information about new or proven healing methods. The topics range from pharmaceutical policy to genetics, from the immune system to pain therapy. Prevention through healthy nutrition as a domain of naturopathy is on the program.

As part of the event, an industrial exhibition will be held in the foyer and on several floors of the congress center with exhibitors of biopharmaceutical and medical-technical companies and suppliers of naturopathic products, services and equipment.

About the German Non-medical practitioner associations (DDH):
The DDH is a joint initiative of the four large, nationwide non-medical practitioners and professional associations Fachverband Deutscher Heilpraktiker (FDH), Free Association of German Non-medical Practitioners (FVDH), Union of German Naturopaths (UDH) and Verband Deutscher Heilpraktiker (VDH). Together they represent the overwhelming majority of non-medical practitioners in all matters of professional, medical and professional policy. The DDH with the individual associations is thus the point of contact for non-medical practitioners with regard to politics, the media and insurance companies. (Pm)