Home remedies for varicose veins

Home remedies for varicose veins /
Varicose veins are tortuous, dilated veins, which occur mainly on the legs or in the calf area. The causes of varices (varicose veins) are manifold. Tired, heavy and swollen legs are typical side effects. Most of the discomfort worsen in the heat and after a long time standing or sitting.

Smoking, high-heeled shoes, lack of exercise, sitting for long periods, birth control pills and being overweight: all this means stress for the veins. At times of hormonal change (for example, during pregnancy and menopause), women are at particular risk of having varicose veins. Problems with the veins should be clarified by a specialist (phlebologist). Often help simple home remedies, especially if they are already used in the initial stages.


  • Tips for everyday life
  • Wrap - Envelopes for the calves
  • Beneficial help with cool water
  • Wrap with essential oils
  • Quark envelope
  • Wrap with Savior Spitz
  • Envelope with calendula essence
  • Wrap with marigold tea
  • Water applications: prevention and alleviation
  • The knee nut
  • leg cast
  • Changing showers for varicose veins
  • Kneipp water treading
  • Help - from within
  • Buckwheat supports the vessels
  • Tea mixture: clover, yarrow, witch hazel
  • Lapacho tea
  • Horsetail
  • Strengthen the connective tissue
  • The right diet for varicose veins
  • Right clothes
  • For pain and swelling always to the doctor

Tips for everyday life

For varicose veins, the legs should be raised as often as possible. It should be noted that the feet are higher than the head. If you want something a bit more comfortable, get a special Venenkissen. The whole thing can be supported by cool calf wrap.

Varicose veins often show in the calves. Image: zlikovec / fotolia.com

Anyone who does a sedentary activity should always get up again, walk around for a few minutes and walk on tiptoe or on his heels alternately. To support the flow of blood, sitting helps to move the feet. Let your feet revolve, stretch your toes and then pull them up.

Activities such as walking, bicycling and hiking are also preventive and are an effective measure if varicose veins already exist. The banging of the legs hinders blood flow and is therefore unhealthy. Also, calves with varicose veins should never be massaged. A gentle rub with Franzbranntwein before going to sleep brings the legs rest overnight.

The daily care with a lotion or a tincture, which contains horse chestnut, is a blessing. This cools, promotes blood circulation and has a decongestant effect.

Too much heat is counterproductive in varicose veins. The passage into the sauna, especially with pronounced venous problems, should be discussed with the doctor beforehand.

Wrap - Envelopes for the calves

Put your legs up and a wrap around your calves - this will decrease the heaviness and swelling. In the following, we introduce you to some well-proven envelopes for varicose veins.

Danger: In all applications, care must always be taken that the legs are always stored higher than the head.

Beneficial help with cool water

A wrap with cold water is made fast and still effective. A kitchen towel is dipped in cool water, wrung out and then placed around the calf. The envelope remains on the skin for as long as it feels to be cooling. Once it has warmed up, it is removed and repeated if necessary.

Wrap with essential oils

Essential for varicose veins are essential oils such as juniper, cypress, lavender, lemon, yarrow and lemongrass. These can be used as a mixture or individually.

A leg wrap with essential oils (such as lavender oil) can be very effective on permanently dilated veins. (Image: anoli / fotolia.com)
Instructions for oil wrap:

  1. Fill a bowl with cool water
  2. Add one drop of any desired oil in some cream
  3. Stir the mixture into the water
  4. Now a cotton cloth is soaked in it and wrung out
  5. Apply the wrap to the affected area for about 30 minutes
  6. The application can be performed up to twice a day

Quark envelope

The well-known quark wrap is an ancient home remedy that is also helpful in varicose veins. The quark cools and soothes the swelling. This is placed in the center of a dishcloth, then beat the other two sides and put the envelope with the thin side down around the calf. There, the winding remains until it releases no more cold.

Wrap with Savior Spitz

Retterspitz is a traditional remedy that has become modern again, as its ingredients are extremely effective and helpful in a wide variety of problems. These include swelling, strains, fever, pain and varicose veins.

Instructions for Savior Spitz Envelope:

  1. Mix 25 milliliters of Retterspitz with 25 milliliters of cool water
  2. Soak a cotton cloth with the solution
  3. Wrap this around the affected leg
  4. After about an hour, the envelope is removed again

Envelope with calendula essence

Calendula essence (Calendula = marigold) is mixed with water in the ratio 1: 5. The cloth soaked in it is placed around the calf (s). The marigold has a healing and decongestant effect.

Wrap with marigold tea

From a tablespoon of marigolds is made with half a liter of water, a tea that should last at least ten minutes. Once it has cooled down a bit, it will go into the fridge and, once cold enough, be used for an envelope.

The marigold is one of the most important medicinal plants for many naturopaths. An infusion of the flower is very well suited for an envelope against varicose veins. (Image: DoraZett / fotolia.com)

Water applications: prevention and alleviation

Water is a very simple home remedy for varicose veins. Properly and daily, hydrotherapy can help prevent and relieve existing problems. For severe complaints and / or massive varicose veins, the water treatments should be discussed with the doctor in advance. After the pouring, you may need thick socks.

The knee nut

In knee joint, the upper body remains clothed. Beginning at the outside of the right foot, the warm stream of water goes up the calf, around the knee and then down to the foot. After that, the left leg is tuned. Then the whole thing is done with cold water. The colder the water, the faster it is showered. The entire process can be repeated several times.

leg cast

The thigh cast is an increase of the knee nut variant. Here, the upper body is dressed as well, but the water jet does not end at the knee, but at the hip. Otherwise the procedure is the same.

Changing showers for varicose veins

Changing showers harden, stimulate the immune system and strengthen the veins. Accordingly, this application is a great way to do something daily for the overloaded vessels. Important: Make sure that your right arm is always started.

Kneipp water treading

The Kneipp water tread is quite feasible at home. First, however, the body should be accustomed to the cold water through the above mentioned pouring. For the Kneipp cure in the own bath the bath in calf height is filled with cold water.

It is important that there is a slip-resistant surface in the tub. Then you can start the "wandering" up and down. At each step, the foot is completely pulled out of the water.

The famous water kicking can also be done easily in the home bath. (Image: Jenny Sturm / fotolia.de)

Help - from within

Treating varicose veins only by externally applied home remedies would not be enough. Rather, it is important to support the body from the inside with the appropriate means. Here are the tea mixtures listed below, a good approach.

Danger: Pregnant and breastfeeding women should always consult a doctor or therapist for all types of tea before using the application.

Buckwheat supports the vessels

Buckwheat herb is used for the prevention of atherosclerosis, has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a positive influence on the vessels, which is very important in varicose veins.

Recipe for buckwheat tea:

  1. Heat two teaspoons of buckwheat herb with a quarter of a liter of water
  2. Let the mixture boil for a minute
  3. Remove the infusion from the heat and let it cover for ten minutes covered
  4. Take off the tea and drink in small sips
  5. A tea cure with two cups a day, over a period of 6 weeks, strengthens the veins.

Attention: The ingredient fagopyrin can make the skin photosensitive.

Tea mixture: clover, yarrow, witch hazel

Clover has a positive effect on the lymph, improves the flow properties of the blood and helps with thick legs.

Yarrow is not only used as a home remedy for diarrhea and menstrual disorders such. Ovulation pain is used, but it also has a vascular tonic effect. This can positively affect venous disorders such as varicose veins, swollen feet and circulatory disorders.

The witch hazel, also called witch hazel, has anti-inflammatory, astringent and is often used in hemorrhoids.

Tea mixture against varicose veins:

  1. Mix stone clover, yarrow and witch hazel in equal parts
  2. Pour a teaspoon of it with 250 milliliters of boiling water
  3. Allow the infusion to strain for 5-6 minutes before straining

Application: Drink three cups of the tea daily, preferably in the form of a cure over a period of six weeks. Then definitely a break must be taken.

Lapacho tea

The Lapacho tea is made from the bark of the Lapacho tree and has become a popular home remedy of modern times. The tea is said to have many positive effects. So lapacho tea should also be effective in varicose veins or their prevention.


Field horsetail has an antispasmodic (spasmolytic) effect, lowers excessive uric acid levels and vigorously strengthens the connective tissue. The latter is especially important in vein problems, since the development of varicose veins is usually associated with a connective tissue weakness.

Recipe for field horsetail tea:

  1. Put two teaspoons of shredded field horsetail into a pot
  2. Pour it with two cups (250 ml each) of boiling water
  3. Let the mixture continue to cook for about five minutes
  4. Before straining, the infusion should draw for ten minutes
  5. Drink two to three cups of the tea daily

Strengthen the connective tissue

For varices, the connective tissue should always be strengthened. Silicon, a trace element contained in silica, can help. Silica is found in grains, fruits and vegetables, especially millet and bananas. If you want to do a little more, look after Braunhirse in the health food store, which is simply sprinkled over the muesli or quark. Another option is silica gel, which is also available in the health food store. The body can absorb this particularly well through the gel form.

Brown millet is particularly rich in silica and therefore a recommended dietary supplement for varices. (Image: emuck / fotolia.com)

The right diet for varicose veins

For healthy veins and venous valves, vitamin C is very important. This is mainly contained in rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, gooseberries, parsley, kale, peppers and brussels sprouts. Onions, garlic and ginger reduce the coagulation in the blood and should therefore be used regularly during cooking.

The diet should contain a lot of fiber as it prevents excessive blood clotting. Make sure you have a sugar-free and low-fat diet and adequate hydration, preferably in the form of still water.

Right clothes

It is important to pay attention to the "right" clothing. This includes comfortable footwear. High heels are not suitable. The clothes should not be restrictive. For longer periods, for example in a train or plane, support stockings are recommended.

For pain and swelling always to the doctor

Varicose veins are a serious problem, especially if they are accompanied by pain and / or severe swelling. Here, you should not treat yourself, but always consult a doctor first, as can develop from "simple" varicose veins or thrombosis. (sw, nr, last updated on 1.12.2016)