Home remedies for cramps

Home remedies for cramps /
If convulsions are mentioned, usually muscle cramps are meant. These occur in skeletal muscle, especially calf and thigh. Cramps are sometimes very painful muscle tension, which often occur at night. Causes of this pain are often a lack of minerals, increased alcohol consumption or a lack of fluids. Which home remedy for cramps can be helpful, read here.


  • Help with cramps due to mineral deficiencies
  • What to watch out for sports
  • St. John's wort oil for cramps in the muscles
  • Rosemary oil, orange oil
  • Lavender, lemon balm, rosemary
  • Almonds - healthy snacking
  • A balanced breakfast
  • banana muesli
  • Quark layered dessert
  • Lightweight gymnastics for muscle spasms
  • What to do at nightly calf cramp?
  • Kneipp's knee-joint for cramps

Help with cramps due to mineral deficiencies

A lack of minerals is often to blame for convulsions. Of these, magnesium, potassium or calcium are usually affected. Magnesium is abundant in whole grains, nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Potassium is mainly present in soy products, wheat bran, whole grains, various vegetables, bananas and dried apricots.

Muscle cramps can be caused, for example, by severe and unfamiliar strain or a mineral deficiency. (Image: Paolese / fotolia.com)

Foods rich in calcium include dairy products, broccoli, spinach leaves, fennel and nettles. In mild cramps should be tried first by the diet to get this. If this does not help, a blood picture can bring clarity. Eventually, the minerals must be substituted in the form of dietary supplements. However, this is the medical advice needed.

What to watch out for sports

To avoid muscle spasms, the following should be noted. What is important is a clothing that is not too tight, made of breathable material and keeps the muscles warm especially in the cold winter months. A warm-up and stretching is recommended before the sport.

So that the body gets sufficient liquid, should be drunk even during the sport mineral water, especially when much sweating. After physical stress, a large glass of apple juice is the right drink. To prevent sore muscles and cramps, a sauna, a hot bath or a hot shower are recommended.

St. John's wort oil for cramps in the muscles

St. John's wort oil, also known as red oil, is versatile, both internally and externally. As a home remedy for cramps, this is gently massaged into the affected muscle, possibly before major stress, but also in the acute state. St. John's wort oil has a wound healing, warming and - which is helpful in spasmodic pain - circulation-promoting. When buying red oil, it is important to pay attention to purity and quality.

Rosemary oil, orange oil

Essential oils are good for treating convulsions. The choice here is rosemary oil and / or orange oil. Of these, four drops are mixed per oil in 50 milliliters of olive, almond or sesame oil, rubbing in the affected muscles. If the cramps occur especially at night, this is done on the evening before going to sleep. Attention: For high blood pressure rosemary oil should not be used.

Lemon balm tea is a proven home remedy for convulsions. (Image: Hetizia / fotolia.com)

Lavender, lemon balm, rosemary

Various teas, such as lavender, lemon balm and rosemary are good home remedies for cramps. These are best drunk preventively. The three different plants could be mixed or used individually. Beware of rosemary: this should never be used if there is a high blood pressure (hypertension).

For all teas, the rule is that they should not be drunk for a longer period than six weeks. Thereafter, the tea is necessarily to change.

Almonds - healthy snacking

Almonds contain many minerals and are therefore a good, tasty snack that counteracts cramps. It is best to eat three to six peeled almonds during the day.

A balanced breakfast

A well-balanced breakfast is a good start to the day and ensures that the body is supplied with healthy nutrients, which prevents the occurrence of cramps.

banana muesli

This is a tasty muesli that is long-lasting and rich in minerals, especially magnesium and potassium. A banana is cut into small pieces and mixed with a teaspoon of almond paste, a cup of soy yoghurt, a teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of wheat bran. Depending on the taste and appetite, the muesli can be enriched with a few fruits and a few spoons of tender oatmeal.

Quark layered dessert

For this quark dessert, some lean quark is creamed with milk or mineral water. Add a teaspoon of honey and a little vanilla. Quark, tender oatmeal and berries are layered alternately in a taller glass. This not only looks nice, but tastes delicious and is healthy.

Quark with berries and oatmeal provides the body with many important nutrients. (Image: julijadmi / fotolia.com)

Lightweight gymnastics for muscle spasms

Another preventive home remedy for cramps are regular exercise exercises. These stimulate the blood circulation and are relatively easy to carry out.

Exercise 1:
They stand back and change between heel and toe. This is repeated at least ten times and performed several times a day.

Exercise 2:
Another exercise is the following: You sit comfortably on a chair and let your feet rotate alternately.

Exercise 3:
They stand on one leg. The other is bent as close as possible to the body. Then the leg is changed. This exercise should, if possible, be performed ten times with each leg.

What to do at nightly calf cramp?

Leg cramps often occur during the night. Here fast relief is needed. Sit down and hold the toes of the affected foot with your hand. Now pull the foot gently and carefully towards you. Hold the tension briefly and release the foot. Repeat this several times.

If this does not help, run hot water over your calf or wrap your lower leg in a towel soaked in hot water. But beware - if you suffer from varicose veins, the water should not be hot, just warm.

Schüssler salts can also have a rapid effect on convulsions. Here the "hot seven" helps. Dissolve from number seven, Magnesium Phosphoricum, 10 tablets in boiled hot water, stir with a plastic spoon and sip in small sips.

If a painful leg cramp suddenly occurs in the middle of the night, a so-called hot sieve from Schüssler salts can help. (Image: PhotoSG / fotolia.com)

Kneipp's knee-joint for cramps

Kneipp fonts promote blood circulation and can therefore protect against cramps. The knee kiss is best done in the shower or bath. The water should be able to drain. The cold water jet starts at the right heel. Later, the back of the leg is showered all the way to the hips.

On the front, the path goes back down to the foot. Then comes the left side. This is repeated a second time. Then the legs have to be well terfrottiert. Thick socks prevent it from cooling down. This leg cast not only helps with cramps but also against headaches, varicose veins and swollen legs.

Slight spasms, which only happen once in a while, can be treated well with home remedies. However, if the cramps occur regularly and are very painful, a doctor should be consulted. The exact causes are urgently to clarify here. (sw, updated on 27.9.2017)