Home remedies for oily hair

Home remedies for oily hair /

The best tips against greasy hair

Who suffers from greasy hair, usually feels unwell and unkempt. Despite frequent washing, the hair looks stringy and unhygienic after a few hours. The reason for this can be, for example, predisposition, a hormonal change or unhealthy diet. Other possible causes include alcohol consumption, stress, improper care or the constant wearing of caps. Who does not want to resort to care products, has not yet found the right or is looking for natural alternatives, can try home remedies for oily hair. These can help in many cases and often even completely eliminate the problem.


  • The best tips against greasy hair
  • Important for greasy hair: healthy diet
  • Tips for proper care
  • Simple and effective: hair treatments
  • Cure with healing earth
  • Hair treatment with walnut oil and egg yolk
  • Pack of egg yolk and brandy
  • Hair rinses against greasy hair
  • Heilerde flushing
  • Stinging nettles provide strong hair
  • Proven herbs for greasy hair: peppermint and chamomile
  • Conditioner with sage and apple cider vinegar
  • Hair conditioner with sage, mint and apple cider vinegar
  • Natural hair care with rosemary and coltsfoot flowers
  • Lavender against lank hair
  • Hair rinse with beer
  • Witch hazel for greasy hair
  • Mild shampoo with essential oils

Important for greasy hair: healthy diet

A healthy diet is important for everyone and should be followed with a tendency to greasy hair. Unhealthy sweets, such as sweets and soft drinks are to be avoided. Highly recommended is a base-rich, low-fat diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and fiber. Very suitable are basic foods such as salads, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, bananas, dried figs and raisins. This is always to think of a sufficient fluid intake. Often, switching to a healthy diet helps to fight greasy hair.

Blow-dry, hair-wash with hot water and styling products should be better avoided with oily hair. (Image: Lars Zahner / fotolia.com)

Tips for proper care

To counteract greasy hair, the following should be noted in the care. Hot water should be avoided, as this would stimulate sebum production even more. The hair should be washed with lukewarm water. A comb is preferable to a brush because it tends to spread the fat in the hair. Tight braids and the constant wearing of tight hats are counterproductive.

Blowing the scalp is irritated. The best way to dry your hair is in the air. When it's time to pamper, this is best done from the tips to the approach. Styling products are to be avoided as far as possible, as they complain about hair. A suitable shampoo is mild, contains no silicones and is enriched with herbs such as chamomile, rosemary, lavender or coltsfoot.

Simple and effective: hair treatments

A proven home remedy for greasy hair are hair treatments. These are very easy to manufacture, easy to use and cheap, but still quite effective. The hair treatments should be used once a week, preferably combined with the listed rinses.

Cure with healing earth

Healing earth is used both internally and externally, for example, as a home remedy for headaches or for natural colon cleansing. It can bind poisons and cause them to leave. As a home remedy for natural hair care, it can be very effective even with oily hair.

For a hair cure, ten tablespoons of healing clay are mixed with 200 milliliters of water. After the hair is washed, the scalp is treated with the porridge. After about ten to twenty minutes, the whole thing should be rinsed with plenty of lukewarm water. To increase the effect, two to three drops of essential rosemary oil are added to the treatment. Rosemary has a balancing effect on sebum production. Here, however, caution is appropriate, because not everyone tolerates essential oils.

Hair treatments, for example with healing clay, honey or yoghurt, can be very effective for greasy hair. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

Natural yoghurt has been widely used in the treatment of greasy hair. Two teaspoons of liquid honey are mixed with two tablespoons of natural yoghurt and massaged into the washed hair. The cure stays there for ten minutes and is then washed out with lukewarm water.

Hair treatment with walnut oil and egg yolk

Ingredients of this hair pack are an egg yolk, a teaspoon of walnut oil and a splash of lemon juice. The mixture is introduced into the washed hair and acts there for half an hour before it is rinsed out again with plenty of water.

Pack of egg yolk and brandy

A somewhat unusual hair cure is the following: Two egg yolks are to mix with a little brandy. This is massaged into the washed hair. The exposure time is twenty minutes. After washing, a rinse consisting of half a liter of water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar gives the hair extra care.

Hair rinses against greasy hair

Hair rinses are done after washing. Some of the natural remedies remain in the hair, others should be washed out. For a good result, most rinses are to be applied once or twice a week.

Heilerde flushing

A hair conditioner is made from five tablespoons of healing earth and half a liter of water. This remains in the hair a few minutes after washing and is then rinsed out. It can be used daily.

Stinging nettles regulate the fat formation of the skin and are therefore very well suited for a hair conditioner. (Image: womue / fotolia.com)

Stinging nettles provide strong hair

Nettles have a regulating effect on the formation of fat, soothing the scalp and strengthening the hair.

Instructions for a nettle lavage:

  1. mix 1 teaspoon stinging nettle, camellia and rosemary
  2. Pour the medicinal plants with 100 ml of boiling water
  3. Add some apple cider vinegar
  4. Once the mixture has cooled off a little, spread the hair tonic on the washed hair and do not rinse it out

Proven herbs for greasy hair: peppermint and chamomile

A strong peppermint tea is not only a wonderful home remedy for stomach aches and colds, but can also be very effective for greasy hair. This is, as soon as it has cooled, massaged into the scalp and not rinsed out.

Chamomile has a calming effect on the sebaceous glands and is therefore well suited for the treatment of lanky hair. Four teabags of chamomile tea are doused with one liter of boiling water and removed from the water after one-quarter of an hour. When the tea has cooled, it serves as a rinse after shampooing.

Conditioner with sage and apple cider vinegar

For another effective rinse, bake a handful of sage leaves with a quart of boiling water. The brewing time is about fifteen minutes. Then add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is carefully massaged into the scalp and hair and washed out after about ten minutes.

Hair conditioner with sage, mint and apple cider vinegar

Another home remedy for oily hair is a recipe in which two drops of lukewarm water per two drops of essential sage oil and essential oil of mint are added. Again, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This hair conditioner can stay in the hair and does not have to be washed out.

Natural hair care with rosemary and coltsfoot flowers

From 70 grams of dried rosemary and one-quarter of a liter of water, a tea is prepared. It is not until the tea has cooled down. This conditioner is for massaging and rinsing and remains in the hair.

A handful of coltsfoot flowers are boiled with half a liter of boiling water and strained when the tea is already dark. This is an effective home remedy that stays in the hair after use.

Lavender against lank hair

This hair conditioner is also not washed out. From thirty grams of lavender flowers and two liters of boiling water, a fragrant tea is brewed. This should rest for about four hours before being used as a conditioner.

Beer is an old proven home remedy for greasy, stringy hair. (Image: Syda Productions / fotolia.com)

Hair rinse with beer

Beer is a very simple and well-proven remedy that works well on oily hair. Because the contained yeast calms down the scalp and subsequently reduces sebum production. A bottle of normal beer (room temperature) is massaged into the hair after washing and then rinsed well.

Witch hazel for greasy hair

Hamamelis (witch hazel) hair lotion is good for lank hair and is also a proven home remedy for dandruff. The natural care product ingredients are available at the pharmacy, natural products stores or specialized online stores.

For the application you need:

  1. 80 ml Hamamelis water
  2. 20 ml of birch leaf tincture
  3. 3 drops of essential lemon balm oil

The ingredients are put in a bottle and mixed well. Carefully massage the hair tonic into the scalp twice a day.

Mild shampoo with essential oils

A mild shampoo or baby shampoo is added to essential oils such as melissa, rosemary, lavender and / or bergamot. On two tablespoons of shampoo comes from each oil a drop. Just as effective is natural yogurt mixed with the shampoo.
(sw, no, updated on 22.9.2016)