Home remedy for oily skin

Home remedy for oily skin /

The best tips for treating oily skin

Oily, shiny skin, usually associated with blemishes, is often very uncomfortable for those affected. The grip on chemical agents is obvious - but in many cases not necessary to tackle the problem. Instead, home remedies and proper nutrition are usually sufficient to successfully treat skin problems.


  • The best tips for treating oily skin
  • Important for oily skin: the right diet
  • Cleaning is the nuts and bolts
  • Natural toner for clarifying the skin
  • Care by wheat bran and aloe vera
  • Gentle and effective at the same time: walnut lotion
  • Washing paste with almond bran
  • Effective peels against oily skin
  • Scrub with salt
  • Massage with grated walnuts
  • Scrub with oatmeal or wheat bran
  • Beneficial and helpful with impure skin: steam baths
  • Intensive skin care through masks
  • Face mask with sauerkraut
  • Mask with egg white and lemon
  • Tomato and milk for oily skin
  • Natural help with healing earth and tea tree oil
  • Face masks with honey and lean quark
  • Tea recipes - help from within
  • Tea mixture against blemished skin
  • Infusion with pansies
  • Daisy tea
  • Schüssler salts
  • General tips for oily skin

Important for oily skin: the right diet

An unhealthy diet that contains too much fat and / or sweetener can cause oily skin. Accordingly, a basic diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables should be sought. Bananas, mandarins, potatoes, cauliflower, fresh peas, lamb's lettuce and spinach are particularly suitable here. Other basic foods include white beans, lamb's lettuce, spinach, celery, tomatoes and raisins.

It often helps with oily skin to change the diet. (Image: M.studio/fotolia.com)

Animal foods that pollute the body should be reduced. It is important to pay attention to a sufficient fluid intake, in particular, still water is recommended.

Vitamin A is especially important for healthy skin. This is particularly high in leafy vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli and apricots.

The diet should be rich in zinc. A high content of the trace element is found, for example, in rye and wheat seedlings, sunflower seeds, wheat bran, cashew nuts, cheese and Brazil nuts.

In some cases, the intake of zinc in the form of tablets is indicated. However, this should not be decided arbitrarily. Beer yeast tablets that are taken over an extended period of time are also a way to tackle oily skin.

Cleaning is the nuts and bolts

In order to get a healthy, beautiful skin and to keep it, the cleaning is essential. Especially with oily skin, this is absolutely necessary. It is best to use a mild product that does not contain any synthetic and chemical additives such as parabens, emulsifiers, perfumes, dyes and perfume.

The water used to wash the face should never be hot. This would stimulate the sebaceous glands even more for production. Better is lukewarm or cool water.

Natural toner for clarifying the skin

A very simple and effective home remedy for cleansing is buttermilk, to which a dash of lemon juice is added. Sheep tea, which is prepared fresh every day, can also be helpful. The tannins contained in yarrow have an astringent (astringent), antibacterial and wound healing properties.

If you do not want to bother too much, you can make a lotion out of egg yolk and some cucumber water, which is also suitable for cleaning greasy skin. A short exposure time supports the effect. Of course, this home remedy must be prepared fresh every day.

Cucumber water is ideal as a base for a natural cleansing lotion. (Image: sveta_zarzamora / fotolia.com)

Care by wheat bran and aloe vera

Quite naturally, a wheat bran is also effective. For this, a linen bag is filled with a little wheat bran, closed and doused with boiling water. The whole thing should take about 15 minutes. Then the bag is squeezed out. Once the broth has cooled, it can be used for cleaning.

For greasy skin, which tends to pimples, also helps a marigold tea for daily clarification. Daily blotting with a good organic apple cider vinegar or a pure aloe vera gel completes the cleaning process.

Gentle and effective at the same time: walnut lotion

Walnut leaves are great for treating oily skin. They contain cleansing and fat-binding substances, have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.

Recipe for walnut lotion:

  • Put a handful of small-cut walnut leaves in a pot
  • Cook with 200ml of distilled water for about 30 minutes
  • Now the leaves are strained and added 50 times Hamamelis water (from the pharmacy or the health food store)
  • Using a cotton pad, the lotion is used in the evening to cleanse the skin

Washing paste with almond bran

Almond bran has proven itself many times in the fight against a greasy skin.

For the washing paste you need:

  • 1 cup almond bran
  • 250 ml whole milk
  • 15ml almond oil

Mix the ingredients together until a smooth paste is formed. Massage them into the facial skin with circular movements and then wash them off with lukewarm water. Use the bran porridge every day for cleaning.

A gentle exfoliation has many positive effects on the skin and should therefore be used regularly. (Image: deniskomarov / fotolia.com)

Effective peels against oily skin

An exfoliant should be used regularly on oily skin. Because it ensures free pores, promotes blood circulation in the skin, eliminates dead skin cells and makes the skin appear fresh and rosy.

Important: Make sure that the cleaning substances are not too coarse and that the ingredients are fresh every time you use them. In addition, the exfoliation should not be done too often. For oily skin, it is allowed once or twice a week, but only every two to three weeks for dry skin. It is important to cleanse the skin before exfoliation. For itching, distension, redness or even burning, a gentler version must be chosen.

Scrub with salt

An easy-to-use home remedy is a scrub with salt. A small amount of Himalaya or sea salt is blended with some virgin olive oil or cream. This mass is gently, with circular movements brought to the wet face, then washed with plenty of lukewarm water and gently dabbed with a towel. The skin then feels wonderfully soft. This recipe can also be used as a body scrub.

Massage with grated walnuts

An effective natural remedy for oily skin is also an exfoliation of grated walnuts. These are mixed with a little lean yoghurt, then applied in a circular motion on the wet face and then removed with plenty of water.

Scrub with oatmeal or wheat bran

For this application, one tablespoon of wheat bran or a tablespoon of finely grated oatmeal is mixed with a little oil or cream and gently massaged into the facial skin. The peeling gives a fresh complexion and counteracts the oily skin due to its cleansing power.

Beneficial and helpful with impure skin: steam baths

An effective and popular home remedy for greasy, blemished skin is a facial steam bath with chamomile. By the steam, the skin is thoroughly cleaned gently and well supplied with blood. The well-tried, traditional medicinal plant chamomile has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect and can therefore help well with impurities and skin irritations.

The steam bath should be done once a week. Instead of chamomile flowers, a tablespoon of Himalayan salt or a handful of marigold blossoms can be added to the water.

Instructions for a facial steam bath:

  1. Put two tablespoons of chamomile flowers in a heat-resistant bowl
  2. Pour over this with one to one and a half liters of boiling water
  3. Let it drain for 10 minutes
  4. If the temperature is tolerable, the face is held about 20 to 30 cm above the bowl
  5. Now put a towel over your head and bowl so that the water vapor can not escape on the sides
  6. Keep your face in the water vapor for a quarter of an hour
  7. Then the skin is gently blotted and creamed with a mild moisturizer
Through a camomile steam bath, the skin is cleansed pore-deep and soothed in a gentle way. (Image: drubig-photo / fotolia.com)

Intensive skin care through masks

Masks should always be freshly prepared and best used before going to bed. Thus, the skin can rest overnight and is not immediately exposed to environmental influences. The skin must be thoroughly cleaned before use.

Eye area and mouth should always be avoided from the treatment. The masks are applied with a brush or a cotton pad and washed off after the individual contact time with lukewarm water.

Face mask with sauerkraut

A somewhat unusual but natural remedy for oily skin is the laying of raw sauerkraut. This will be removed after about twenty minutes. Sauerkraut has a clarifying and calming effect.

Mask with egg white and lemon

For this purpose, a protein is first beaten stiff. Then a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice are added to the egg whites and stirred well. The mask stays on the face for about 15 minutes. After washing the skin should only be blotted. Caution: This mask may cause redness on sensitive skin.

Tomato and milk for oily skin

Another helpful home remedy for oily and blemished skin is a facial mask with milk and tomato.

For this you need:

  • 1 tbsp oatmeal
  • Half a tomato
  • 1 tbsp. Warmed milk

The oatmeal is ground with a blender or other suitable kitchen utensil. Add half the tomato and the milk and purée everything together. To allow the oatmeal to swell slightly, the mass will stand for a quarter of an hour before it is used as a mask. Then it is brought to the face and carefully removed after about 15 minutes.

Natural help with healing earth and tea tree oil

Healing clay has a detoxifying effect and tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect, which is a good combination for oily skin. Add two tablespoons of healing earth and a little water to a porridge and add one to two drops of good, high-quality tea tree oil. The paste is applied to the skin with a brush and remains there for about twenty minutes. If the mask feels uncomfortable, it is washed off immediately to avoid skin irritation.

From an acid apple and a little honey you can quickly create an effective mask. (Image: N.Van Doninck / fotolia.com)

Face masks with honey and lean quark

A very easy to use application is a mask of apple and honey. For this, a sour apple is peeled, gutted and mashed together with a little honey. The result is a pleasant, delicious paste that has a cleansing and antibacterial effect and can therefore provide good help with oily skin. The refreshing blend, which is also popular as a home remedy for pimples, remains on the skin for 15 minutes.

Lean quark cleanses, cares and is therefore well suited for a mask against shiny, oily skin. Mix two tablespoons of skim curd with one tablespoon of warmed skim milk and let it soak for a quarter of an hour.

Tea recipes - help from within

Skin problems should always be treated simultaneously from the outside and from the inside out. For oily skin, plants such as pansy, birch and walnut leaves, daisies, stinging nettles and dandelions are used. All tea herbs should not be drunk continuously for more than six weeks.

Tea mixture against blemished skin

In order to detoxify the body from the inside and with it the skin, a mixture of effective medicinal plants is recommended.

Tea recipe for beautiful skin:

  1. Mix dandelion, stinging nettles and birch leaves in equal parts
  2. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture with 250 milliliters of boiling water
  3. The tea should draw for about five to six minutes
  4. Drink three cups of this tea mixture throughout the day, for a maximum of four to five weeks

Infusion with pansies

The pansy herb has an antibacterial and cleansing effect and therefore represents a proven home remedy for acne, blemished and oily skin. For the tea, a coated teaspoon per cup (about 250ml) is needed and brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water. After five minutes, the infusion is strained. Two to three cups of the tea can be drunk every day.

Daisy tea

The Daisy (Latin: Bellis perennis) is a plant that can withstand any adverse weather conditions. This is reflected not least in its broad spectrum of impact. It helps with a variety of skin diseases, including greasy and blemished skin. A teaspoon full of daisies is poured over one-quarter liter of boiling water and should then be drawn for about seven to ten minutes. The tea is drunk two to three cups a day.

A tea with daisies helps from the inside out with impurities and greasy skin. (Image: Floydine / fotolia.com)

Schüssler salts

In the case of oily skin, the Schüssler salts number 3 (Ferrum phosphoricum), number 9 (sodium phosphoricum) and number 10 (sodium sulfuricum) have proven themselves.

General tips for oily skin

Oily skin is usually due to a hormonal change, for example, in phases of puberty, pregnancy or menopause. An unhealthy diet, too much alcohol or nicotine can also promote an oily texture of the skin. This can usually be positively changed by switching diet and changing habits.

If this step does not help, the household remedies mentioned are an option. For very bad skin, which can not be influenced, consult a doctor. A good thing has the oily skin: It can withstand environmental influences better and less prone to wrinkling. (sw, no, updated on 29.9.2016)