Home remedy for healthy and shiny hair

Home remedy for healthy and shiny hair /
Shiny hair, full hair, a healthy scalp - there are home remedies that can be easily produced yourself. These can also fix an itchy scalp. Because they strengthen the hair and soothe the skin.


  • Bring the hair to shine with vinegar
  • Lemon juice gives the hair shine
  • Egg yolk on brittle hair
  • Green tea as a care
  • Beer provides the hair with nutrients
  • Natural hair tint
  • Beer, egg and olive oil
  • A healthy scalp
  • Tea tree oil
  • nettles
  • Healthy eating
  • Iron for the head and hair
  • zinc
  • Vitamin A for healthy hair

Bring the hair to shine with vinegar

You can add 200 milliliters of vinegar to one liter of lukewarm water and rinse your hair with it. Whether you use apple cider vinegar or grape vinegar is the same. That's how her hair shines. You should use vinegar only if you do not have a sensitive scalp, because it is irritated by the acid.

Home remedies such as vinegar or lemon juice help to have beautiful, healthy hair. (Image: Piotr Marcinski / fotolia.com)

Lemon juice gives the hair shine

Add a little bit of lemon juice in a liter of water, after washing in your hair. This will get a shine. However, you should not do this regularly because the citric acid can also attack sensitive hair.

Egg yolk on brittle hair

Dull or brittle hair can be treated with egg yolk. You stir an egg yolk and apply it to the freshly washed and slightly damp hair. Wash out the egg yolk after half an hour.

Green tea as a care

To care for the hair, do not drink green tea, but use it as a conditioner. The tea gives a protective coat, gives the hair shine and compensates for easy hair breakage.

Tea conditioner for healthy hair

  1. Pour several teabags with half a liter of boiling water
  2. Let the infusion draw for a quarter of an hour, then pour it off and rinse your hair
  3. Do not rinse the conditioner afterwards

Alternatively, you can also use linden tea. The application works exactly the same way.

Beer provides the hair with nutrients

If adolescents in the villages brag about not shampooing because they wash their hair with beer, then that has a true core: beer supplies the hair with nutrients and ensures hair shine.

Mix one liter of water with half a liter of beer, rinse the hair and rinse the mixture after a few minutes.

A mask with avocado protects colored hair. (Image: karepa / fotolia.com)

Natural hair tint

You can intensify your hair color by natural means. A rinse with black tea or coffee makes dark hair darker, camomile tea brightens blonde hair.

To protect tinted hair, crush an avocado with 125 milliliters of cream, massage this mixture into the freshly washed hair and wash it out after 15 minutes.

Beer, egg and olive oil

To give the hair more volume, mix a tablespoon of olive oil, a small glass of beer and egg yolk and apply it to freshly washed but still damp hair. After a quarter of an hour wash everything again.

A healthy scalp

A healthy scalp is necessary to develop full hair. Here, in the skin, the hair roots. They get their nutrients through the roots. Brittle, thin, dry or greasy hair can always be signs of scalp discomfort. To maintain the scalp, there are proven home remedies.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil helps an irritated scalp. You add drops of it to the shampoo, or mix half a liter of water with three drops of the oil and massage it into the scalp.


Stinging nettles we cook with a pint of water to a tea, pour it off and massage the lukewarm tea into the scalp. We do not wash out the conditioner afterwards.

Brennnesel tea is a proven home remedy for irritated scalp. (Image: Marina Lohrbach / fotolia.com)

Healthy eating

But the essence of healthy hair and a healthy scalp is a healthy diet. It also stimulates hair growth. Decisive are, above all, sufficient protein, vitamin A, biotin, zinc and iron.

Iron for the head and hair

Iron carries oxygen into the blood cells. Iron deficiency inhibits hemoglobin, elemental organs fail, and cells die.

Much iron contains meat, almonds, eggs, meat, avocado and green vegetables. On the other hand, the body can not absorb iron in bread, milk and cereals well enough.

The body loses iron when peeing, through the sweat and the removal of skin cells. Blood loss means iron loss, so women need more iron than men during their menses.

Iron deficiency weakens the whole organism. Nervous system disorders are characterized by headache, dizziness, depression and lack of concentration. In the cardiovascular system those affected suffer from heart palpitations and heart attacks. Characteristics are shortness of breath, short breath, fatigue, fatigue and exhaustion.

The disturbed metabolism shows up as loss of appetite as muscle wasting.

On the skin, nails and hair occur bleach, torn corners of the mouth, brittle nails and disfigured mucous membranes. Infections follow the weakness of the immune system.

Brittle and broken hair may indicate iron deficiency. (Image: deagreez / fotolia.com)


Zinc is found throughout the body, in the liver and kidneys, in bones, in red and white blood cells. The body contains 2 to 3 grams of the mineral.

We get zinc with fruits, vegetables and proteins.

Men need more of the mineral than women because sperm has the highest concentration of zinc in the body. Men who ejaculate frequently need more zinc. In addition, zinc is important for the sense of smell and taste.

Zinc contains particularly foods with protein: sheep, beef and pork have more zinc than fish, the dark meat on poultry has more zinc than the white.

Vegans need to eat nuts, whole grains, and lentils to reach an adequate zinc level.

Vitamin A for healthy hair

Vitamin A affects the growth of bones and teeth, our eyesight, our immune system and helps to reproduce the cells, therefore it is necessary for the skin and hair.

We get vitamin A from liver, milk like eggs, in plants we take another form of the vitamin in carrots, mangoes, spinach, pumpkins like apricots.

For healthy hair, you should not overdo it: overdose of vitamin A causes the hair to become brittle.
(Dr. Utz Anhalt)