Home remedies for dark circles

Home remedies for dark circles /

The best home remedy for rings under the eyes

Dark circles are commonly considered to be a sign of lack of health and vitality, which is particularly troubling to the young sufferer. We show which home remedies help against the dark shadows. These can arise when drinking or sleeping too little, but also due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, especially iron deficiency.

Simple measures against these deficiencies are the remedy by sufficient sleep, hydration or increased intake of vitamins and minerals through diet or supplements. Likewise, the mineral therapy with Schüßler salts is suitable for self-treatment of dark circles, if the appropriate remedy is found by observing visible signs.


  • The best home remedy for rings under the eyes
  • First aid for dark circles: lots of sleep and healthy nutrition
  • Which foods are best for dark circles?
  • Local applications of dark circles
  • Very effective: cooling against dark circles
  • Regularly go to the fresh air
  • Schüssler salts in dark eye shadows
  • Ferrum phosphoricum in dark circles due to iron deficiency

First aid for dark circles: lots of sleep and healthy nutrition

If lack of sleep is the reason for rings under the eyes, this should be remedied as far as possible. When falling asleep, it is best to go to bed early and avoid exciting movies, quarrels and other stressful activities.

Dark circles can often be treated relatively well with home remedies. (Image: paddl / fotolia.com)

While recent sleep research suggests that missed sleep can be made up, for example by having a good night's sleep at the weekend, naturopathy generally believes that the sleep-wake rhythm should be adapted to the natural day-night rhythm Disturbed biorhythms, among other things, can lead to chronic fatigue (and thus also to ocular margins).

Traditionally, it is recommended that you eat as little as possible fried, preserved and frozen, and to a large extent avoid prepared meals, salty snacks and fast food. Especially very salty foods promote the accumulation of body fluids in the tissue and can thereby cause bags and dark circles.

In order to avoid internal dehydration, which can also be associated with eye shadow, should always sufficient fluid (at least one and a half to two liters a day) are included. Finally, it should help several times a day for five to ten minutes, legs up on a wall to lay.

Since excessive cigarette and alcohol consumption should contribute to the formation of dark edges under the eyes, attention must be paid to minimal use.

Which foods are best for dark circles?

A balanced, varied diet with little meat and lots of fresh vegetables usually covers our need for the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In the case of eye shadows, you should pay particular attention to getting enough iron, zinc and vitamin C. Much iron is found in meat and offal (e.g., liver or kidney), legumes (such as lentils, peas, or white beans), whole grains, oatmeal, mushrooms, and green vegetables such as lentils. Spinach, Brussels sprouts or lamb's lettuce.

Rich in zinc are oysters, nuts (especially peanuts and peanuts), sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, certain cheeses such as Emmentaler and Gouda, mushrooms, legumes and oatmeal and wholemeal bread.

The best sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits with a particularly high content include acerola berries, blackcurrant and sea buckthorn berries, kiwi, mango and citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit).

For vegetables, you should regularly, for example, to parsley, watercress, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, raw sauerkraut and green peas, to provide the body with sufficient vitamin C.

Local applications of dark circles

As local home remedy applications eye rings are known for cucumber slices, quark extracts, teabags (for example with chamomile or black tea) and cold compresses.

The following home remedies are handed down specifically from the ancient Indian art of healing Ayurveda:

Fresh peppermint leaves are thus crushed in a mortar and placed directly on the closed eyes. Alternatively, the fresh mint juice can be poured onto a cotton pad. If no fresh mint is available, you can use a moist tea bag if necessary to minimize the shadows.

Small ground peppermint leaves or a mint teabag can help with eye circles quickly. (Image: womue / fotolia.com)

Cotton pads or cotton wool can be soaked in cold milk, rose water or fresh fig juice and left on closed eyes for about ten minutes. For better blood circulation and optimum supply of nutrients, it is recommended to gently and gently massage the delicate skin around the eyes with almond or saffron oil in the morning and evening.

Very effective: cooling against dark circles

Cold is very helpful for combating dark circles and eye puffiness. Because this causes the vessels to contract and the metabolism is stimulated.
A proven home remedy are cold spoons that are placed in the freezer for a few minutes and then pressed onto the eyes.

Make sure that the spoons are not too cold to avoid a cold burn. Alternatively, you can also use ice cubes, cold compresses or a special gel mask.

Regularly go to the fresh air

Fresh air promotes blood circulation and can therefore minimize shadows under the eyes. Just when the eyes z. For example, if you are under heavy daily computer work, the muscles in that area need extra oxygen.

So stay out as often as possible and, for example, walk to work in the morning. Regular breaks, in which deliberately averted from the screen, also provide relief of the eyes.

Schüssler salts in dark eye shadows

Naturopathy recommends a mineral therapy with Schüßler salts for self-treatment against dark circles. The scrutinizing look in the mirror can provide information about which mineral is lacking. If the uncertainty is too great, it may be advisable to consult a naturopath with knowledge of facial diagnostics.

If the inner lower corner of the eye is reddish-brown to reddish-black over the upper eyelid, it may be due to a lack of calcium flouratum (No.1). As a further sign, there are fine vertical folds on the skin under the eyelid, which are cut by equally fine transverse wrinkles.

These so-called dice folds are particularly well recognizable if the person concerned looks upwards (this of course requires help). Because calcium flouratum works very slowly, it should be taken over a longer period of potency D12, e.g. one tablet three times a day.

Ash-gray shadows around the eyes, most noticeable in the outer corner of the eye, indicate a lack of potassium phosphoricum (# 5). If a generally grubby-gray complexion and sunken temples show up, this is a clear sign.

Often there is a strong nervous exhaustion, because potassium phosphoricum is of particular importance for the function of our nerve cells. In addition to the regular intake of the salts Schüssler should be paid to rest and relaxation.

If the eye shadow is based on a nutrient deficiency, Schuessler salts can help replenish the depots. (Image: Gerhard Seybert / fotolia.com)

Ferrum phosphoricum in dark circles due to iron deficiency

The most common is probably the Ferrum shadow, which runs from brownish-black to bluish-black from the inner root of the nose underneath the eye. It evaluates the length and color depth of the edges of the eyes as a sign of the extent of the existing deficiency of Ferrum phosphoricum (No.3).

Another indication may be red ears, which are constantly or after physical exertion notice. In potency D6, Ferrum phosphoricum should be taken daily until the iron stores are replenished. In addition, there are many other ways to counteract iron deficiency with the means of nature.

If the Ferrum shadow is colored bluish-red, there is probably a shortage of Magnesium phosphoricum (No.7) at the same time, which should then be taken as an additional salt. (updated on 28.7.2016; jvs, nr)

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