Home remedies That can help against colds

Home remedies That can help against colds / Health News

Home remedies and Co: This helps against colds


Cough, headache and body aches: In the cold season, many people suffer from a cold. Medics and laymen argue about what can best be done about it. The range of medicines is huge, but only a few actually work. Much more productive, however, are often simple home remedies.

Many treat cold symptoms on their own
Cold, cough, headache: During the cold season many people suffer from a cold. Hoarseness and fever are often added. For most people affected then it is clear to treat the complaints on their own. The range of remedies available for this is enormous. However, since many do not work properly and also often have unpleasant side effects, often offer simple home remedies for colds and other cold symptoms. In a recent post, the „world“ An overview of what drugs and natural remedies can help.

Medicines with dangerous side effects
First, the sheet is devoted to widely used drugs. Preparations with the active ingredients paracetamol and ibuprofen are therefore often used in colds. Their effect is controversial among experts. In an English study with just under 900 patients in 25 medical practices, it was examined how ibuprofen and paracetamol act alone or in combination on the course of a flu infection. „Overall, there was no effect of any dosage recommendation on the severity of the symptoms“, study leader Paul Little said „world“ According. Ibuprofen may also cause side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or nausea and vomiting. Paracetamol has long been known to increase the risk of gastric ulcer, heart attack and stroke if the dose is too high.

Vitamin C has no preventive effect
Some people regularly take vitamin C supplements to help prevent a cold. However, the German Society of Nutrition (DGE) has not confirmed in studies the assumption that the additional intake of vitamin C protects against colds. The „world“ however, reports a small effect: According to a research team led by Harri Hemilä from the University of Helsinki to conclude that colds are a bit milder and shorter, if you take 200 milligrams of vitamin C per day. „However, we could not prove a preventative effect“, so study leader Hemilä.

Nasal sprays only in exceptional cases
With a constant runny nose, some patients resort to nasal sprays. In some, the effect is already visible after minutes and often lasts for hours. „But in the long term, they dry out the mucous membranes and can even damage them“, warned infectologist Peter Walger from the University Hospital Bonn. The expert recommends the use of the sprays only in concrete case of need, „for example, before an important conversation“. Nasal showers with salt water are also not an alternative as they protect against new infections, but in the case of an acute cold, they can flush the germs into areas of the respiratory tract that were not yet infected.

Ineffective cough medicine
According to the newspaper, 70 million over-the-counter cough drugs are sold in Germany every year. However, a research team led by the German physician Knut Schroeder found only a few useful clinical studies on their effectiveness. In these studies, the supposed cough remedy was no more effective than a placebo. According to the expert, it is still unclear whether over-the-counter cough medicine would be of any use. He advises: „A cough associated with an infection of the upper respiratory tract can be safely left untreated.“ Simple home remedies for cough, such as Quarkwickel or various teas, but can not hurt in such cases.

Zinc for colds
Zinc is also a helper for colds. It has been reported that in the laboratory, the mineral restricts the growth of the common cold viruses and their ability to dock at the nasal mucosa and stimulates certain areas of the immune system. Researchers led by Indian paediatrist Meenu Singh analyzed a total of 16 studies involving 1,387 participants in a Cochrane study and concluded that taking zinc supplements for half a year in children results in significantly fewer colds and shorter absences at school. According to the doctor, but you could „give no dosage recommendation for prevention“. For a cold that has already broken out, she recommends a daily dose of at least 75 milligrams. But only if no side effects such as dry mouth, nausea or diarrhea occur. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults should not eat more than 15 milligrams per day. Since the mineral is also contained in many foods, you do not necessarily have to take supplements.

Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular
Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular in order to combat diseases, including colds. The underlying principle is that a remedy that otherwise causes the symptoms of the cold, in extreme dilution, the body to retune so that the symptoms are relieved at the onset of the cold. As the „world“ writes, the homeopathic drug Meditonsin (for sore throat) in this country generated an annual turnover of over 20 million euros. But even if various reports of experience of medical professionals and patients exist, scientific evidence of the effects of homeopathy according to the sheet are in short supply. Supporters and critics will probably continue to argue about the subject in the future.

Honey for coughing
Honey also plays an important role in naturopathy in colds. Especially to fight the cough. The „world“ reports that in an Israeli study of 200 infants, eucalyptus and lemon blossom honey in particular provided relief. The frequency and severity of the coughing attacks in the children therefore dropped significantly. It is believed that the antibiotic ingredients of the bee product are most responsible, but it is also believed that the sugar of the honey mitigates the areas responsible for coughing in the brain. Buckwheat honey also contains cereal's anti-inflammatory tannins. In a US study, this honey was more effective on 105 coughing children than a standard cough syrup containing dextromethorphan. Study leader Ian Paul of Pennsylvania State University praised his great acceptance: „Taste and consistency of the honey are just kid friendly.“ (Ad)

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