Home remedy for nail bed infection

Home remedy for nail bed infection /
Nail bed infections are usually harmless but extremely painful. Here, home remedies often help faster than the chemical club, especially if it is started on time.


  • causes
  • home remedies
  • Helping baths
  • Ointments and pastes
  • Pads in pus
  • Schüssler salts
  • prevention


The cause of a nail bed infection is an injury to the nail bed, even if it is so small. Here, bacteria or fungi can invade, which then lead to inflammation with redness, swelling, pain and pus. A weakened immune system or the existence of a chronic disease such as diabetes or atopic dermatitis may favor the development of a nail bed infection. Often, however, women are affected who do an exaggerated and also wrong manicure or pedicure.

A nail bed infection is usually extremely painful, but can be treated relatively well with various home remedies. (Image: Miriam Dörr / fotolia.com)

home remedies

Even with the first signs of inflammation should be started with a beginning nail bed infection with the home remedies. The sooner the better or faster the healing succeeds.

Helping baths

In the home remedies listed below, "baths" are prepared to bathe affected fingers or toes in it. No matter which recipe is used, after the bath is always a creaming of the affected skin with a marigold ointment recommended. This anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and accelerates the healing process.

The Kernseifenbad is probably the oldest and best-known home remedy for inflammation of the nail bed. From core soap flakes and hot water, a bath is prepared in which the affected finger or toe is bathed three times a day for at least ten minutes.

Chamomile has long been known for its anti-inflammatory effects. A tablespoon full of chamomile flowers is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After a brewing time of at least ten minutes, it can be strained and the brew used for a nail bath (three times a day, for at least ten minutes)..

A fingerbad based on chamomile flowers counteracts the inflammation of the nail bed. (Image: alexkich / fotolia.com)

Rosemary tea
Rosemary is astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal. For a rosemary bath a teaspoon of rosemary is brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water. After about ten minutes is strained. Now your finger or toe can be bathed in it, preferably twice a day for about ten minutes.

salt bath
For a salt bath, use a six percent saline solution (6 g Himalayan or sea salt per 100 ml of warm water). The bathing should last as well as with the other recipes, at least ten minutes.

For this home remedy, boil two teaspoons of oak bark with 200 ml of cold water for about five minutes, then strain off and then use as a "bath" on the inflamed finger or toe.

The famous Swedish bitters has become an all-round home remedy. So it is not only used internally, but also externally and serves as a bath in a nail bed infection. The bitter substances contained therein are astringent, anti-inflammatory and curative.

This recipe is also very easy to prepare: a handful of dried marigold blossoms is brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water. The whole thing then has to draw for about ten minutes and finished is an excellent home remedy for nail bed inflammation. Marigolds are not only visually pleasing to the eye, they also work for inflammations, even if they are already purulent.

Honey and tea tree oil
A teaspoonful of honey is mixed with five drops of tea tree oil and then added with warm water, is also suitable as a nail bath. The honey is used here as an emulsifier, but also has a healing effect. Twice a day, fingers or toes are bathed in it for about ten minutes.

Ointments and pastes

Of course, finished salves can be purchased for nail bed infection in the pharmacy, such as the so-called green abscess ointment, which is worth a try in any case. But also recommended are ointments and pastes that can be easily made at home.

Healing earth can be applied as a paste on the inflamed areas or used for the preparation of a nail bath. (Image: Heike Rau / fotolia.com)

Healing earth paste
So a home-made healing clay is a recommended home remedy for a nail bed infection. Microfine healing clay is mixed with a little warm water to a pulp, then applied to the affected area and fixed with a gauze bandage or the like. This envelope is best repeated twice a day. The healing clay can be additionally enriched with a few drops of tea tree oil - this supports the effect.

Horseradish and honey
For this home remedy for nail bed inflammation, nine parts of freshly grated horseradish are mixed with a portion of honey and applied as a paste three times a day to the affected areas. The exposure time is a maximum of ten minutes, then rinse and maintain with marigold ointment. If skin irritation occurs, treatment should be discontinued immediately.

Pads in pus

If the nail bed infection is already purulent, so help the following home remedies.

From ground flax seed, a dressing is made as follows: boiled flaxseed with water to boil and then pack the hot, tough porridge in some gauze. The whole thing is put on the purulent place. As soon as the pus flows off, you can then bathe in some chamomile puddle (see Helping Baths).

Disinfecting also has marigold tincture. This is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 so that a swab soaked and dabbed the purulent sites with it several times a day.

Schüssler salts

In a nail bed infection Schüssler salts can also help. To be recommended here are the salts No. 1 Calcium fluoratum and No. 11 Silicea. If pus is already flowing, the healing is additionally supported with salt no. 12 Calcium fluoratum. The mentioned Schüssler salts are taken and at the same time applied as pulp to the affected areas.

Wearing gloves while doing housework can significantly reduce the risk of nail bed infection. (Image: Edenwithin / fotolia.com)


The following tips are used for prevention: When washing, cleaning or rinsing gloves are best worn, as detergents and especially aggressive detergents can damage the cuticle. When manicuring the cuticle may not cut, but only with a stick pushed back - but only if there is no inflammation. Also be careful when using scissors and file.

It is recommended to refrain from nail polish and to avoid tight shoes. Penetrated fragments or splinters are best removed with sterile tweezers.

Cracked skin can tear faster. Regular creaming can help here. Toenails should be cut regularly so they can not grow.

Diabetics, who are usually insensitive to pain, are best looked at by a relative's fingers and toes on a regular basis in order to be able to react in time to an infection. Manicures and pedicures can not always be done by diabetics themselves. Here are relatives or specialist staff required.

If, despite all preventive measures, a nail bed infection occurs, it should be treated as soon as possible with the mentioned home remedies. If the symptoms do not improve after a few days, consult a doctor. (Sw)