Home remedy for stomach pain

Home remedy for stomach pain /
For mild stomach aches, which occur only rarely and without much accompanying symptoms, home remedies can be very helpful. Mostly this pain comes in connection with too rich or unfamiliar food. However, if the symptoms are unusually severe, occur frequently and are accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever, headache, dizziness or the like, it is necessary to go to the doctor.


  • Causes of pain
  • Stress and psyche as a trigger
  • Simple home remedies help
  • Tea for stomach ache
  • Rollkur with chamomile tea
  • Suitable massages
  • Healing earth and flaxseed wrap
  • The right diet
  • Unsuitable foods
  • Gastric-friendly cooking and eating
  • Make meals conscious
  • Autogenic training and yoga exercises
  • Movement helps
  • If the pain does not pass

Causes of pain

Gastric pain can have a variety of causes. Responsible for the complaints are often a slightly rotten stomach due to unusual diet, a gastritis (gastritis), a stomach irritation, mobility disorders, reflux or a gastric ulcer. Rarely, gastric carcinoma is the trigger.

The cause is not always directly in the stomach. Thus, the pain can radiate also in diseases of the pancreas, the large intestine or even the heart in the epigastrium. Medication, alcohol, smoking, stress, poisoning, autoimmune diseases, a hiatal hernia (diaphragmatic hernia) and, for example, a sorbitol intolerance or lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance) are also increasingly responsible for epigastric pain.

Gastric pain can be due to many different causes. In many cases, appropriate home remedies are available to relieve the symptoms. (Image: ag visual / fotolia.com)

Occur the stomach pain only occasionally after a luscious meal or too fatty food, this is usually harmless and can be treated well with home remedies. In stress situations or even when staying abroad, when the food is a bit unfamiliar, such complaints can occur more frequently. In addition, not every person tolerates all foods. In a hectic life where a quiet meal is no longer possible for many, the food is only taken while standing and the quality of the food is not always the best, stomach aches are often an integral part of everyday life.

Unfortunately, these are not always of harmless origin. For example, pancreatitis (pancreatitis) can be a life-threatening disease in which stomach pain is an integral part of the disease. Gastric cancer also causes epigastric pain. Here, however, symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss and nausea are usually added. A medical clarification of the complaints is essential.

Stress and psyche as a trigger

Not always stomach problems have to have an organic cause. So the psyche may well be the reason for these complaints. Examples are people who generally have problems "hit the stomach" or the manager who "eats everything". The mental problems show up in the form of stomach ache. Fears, sadness, stress situations can sometimes not be processed and then "land" in the stomach as well. Depending on how severe the symptoms are, a doctor must be consulted. If the symptoms are minor and occur only occasionally, relaxation exercises and various blends of tea can be used to tackle the symptoms.

Pain in the abdominal area is a common complaint, but not always the stomach is involved. (Image: apops / fotolia.com)

Simple home remedies help

Light stomach aches usually respond well to heat. For example, a hot water bottle, a warmed cherry stone pillow or a warm, moist envelope can serve well here. A shot glass full of artichoke juice, drunk after a meal, boosts digestion and can thus also counteract stomach ache. If the pain is acidic, it helps to chew and well salivate dry bread. An ascending foot bath, which heats the water from 33 ° C to 39 ° C in about twenty minutes, has a supportive effect when the stomach is slightly ailing. Stressed patients help with relaxation exercises and a cloth soaked in warmed St. John's Wort oil, which is placed on the stomach daily and should remain there for at least twenty minutes.

Tea for stomach ache

If you have a sore stomach, different kinds of tea are used, which can bring relief. Here first the well-known chamomile tea is mentioned. Camomile has a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect. However, the important thing is the right preparation. Ten chamomile flowers given to one liter of boiling water are enough. If too much is taken, this plant can do the opposite. Five to seven minutes brewing time is enough. The tea is then drunk in small sips several times a day, freshly brewed.

Melissa is used when the cause of the stomach ache is more likely to be due to nervousness. This plant has a calming effect on the stomach as well as on the whole body. Melissa can be used fresh - but also dried. If stomach aches are accompanied by nausea or loss of appetite, ginger can help. Peel a piece of the root, cut into thin slices with a sharp knife. Boil this fresh ginger for about ten minutes to make a delicious tea that tastes slightly spicy. This tea boosts the appetite when it is drunk before the meal, then drunk it ensures a good digestion and prevents stomach aches.

Aniseed, fennel and cumin are helpful when the stomach aches are bloated and bloated. These three seeds together, a little bumped, mixed in equal parts and brewed from a teaspoon per cup of boiling water, are not only a tasty tea, but also show a relaxing, antispasmodic effect. Goosecorn herb is also used as a home remedy for stomach pain. This herb has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect. If it often comes to a bloated stomach, so also other home remedies can be tried against the Völlgegefühl.

The peppermint, one of the oldest medicinal herbs, strengthens the stomach, is relaxing and also helps with stomach pains, which are accompanied by nausea. If the pain is mainly caused by stress, St. John's wort tea can be a good help, but not in the summer months, because St. John's wort makes the skin photosensitive. Women and girls taking contraceptive pills should avoid this herb as this may lower the effect of the pill.

A good mix for nervous stomach problems is the combination of chamomile, lemon balm and peppermint. If sleep disorders are also part of the symptoms, a small amount of hop cones can be added.

The hot water bottle on the stomach is one of the home remedies for stomach ache. (Image: Piotr Marcinski / fotolia.com)

Rollkur with chamomile tea

A good, old proven home remedy is the Rollkur with chamomile tea. For this, two and a half tablespoons of chamomile flowers are infused with half a liter of boiling water. The whole thing should then draw about ten minutes. Two cups are drunk on the stale tea on the empty stomach and the affected persons then lie on their backs for ten minutes. Then the situation is changed, ten minutes on the right side, ten minutes on the left side and ten minutes on the stomach. Then rest for half an hour. During the cure, the stomach should be kept warm. This procedure can be performed several days in a row.

Suitable massages

Tummy massages can help fight stomach cramps and soothe stomach pains. To do this, gently massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction as the air can escape better if flatulence is the cause of cramping. In addition, especially essential caraway oil is suitable as a supporting massage oil. Cumin stimulates the release of stomach acid and relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. Such a relaxing massage can be wonderfully combined with a hot water bottle, which further dissolves the cramps before and after the massage through pleasant warmth. Incidentally, a massage also stimulates the intestinal movements and increases blood circulation in the abdomen. Thus, it prevents constipation.

A stomach massage relieves digestive problems and allows winds to drain. (Image: photophonie / fotolia.com)

Healing earth and flaxseed wrap

Healing earth is now on everyone's lips. This soil binds toxins and pollutants and helps to excrete them in a natural way. Also applied externally, healing clay can help with stomach aches. So a porridge is mixed from the healthy powder, mixed with warm water or chamomile tea, which is then applied to a cloth applied to the stomach. This wrap stays there until the envelope is dry.

A flax seed wrap is also a helpful home remedy. Flaxseed flour is packed in a bag and heated in hot water for about ten minutes. The bag is then placed on the upper abdomen, so warms the stomach and relieves the stomach pain. Salt can also be used for an envelope. For this, good sea salt or Himalayan salt is recommended. This is filled into a small cloth coating and then slowly heated in the oven, at 50 to 60 ° C for about twenty minutes.

To prevent pain in the stomach area, drinking cabbage juice is recommended. This can either be self-made or already purchased in the health food store. Just as effective is the intake of high quality honey, a teaspoon full in the evening before going to bed. Honey has a regenerating and soothing effect on the stomach lining. A benefit for the stomach is also St. John's wort oil. For internal intake, however, it is essential to ensure a high quality. This oil protects the stomach protective, which is especially beneficial in hyperacidity.

The right diet

The right nutrition is the alpha and omega to avoid stomach upset. Especially when certain incompatibilities exist. Small and light meals are to be preferred. Many people tolerate more frequent smaller portions better than three large meals a day. Bitter substances are good for the stomach. Bitter salads and herbs, such as radicchio, chicory and dandelion, provide enough digestive juices to prevent stomach ache. If the pain is acute, take care of a gentle diet with steamed vegetables and fruits, rice and potatoes.

Did you know that chicory contains inulin as well as healthy bitter substances? This prebiotic, soluble fiber is an important food for beneficial intestinal bacteria. (Image: rdnzl / fotolia.com)

Unsuitable foods

Everyone should pay attention to the signs of his body! Foods that are not tolerated are not on the menu, even if they actually taste delicious. The right time is sometimes just as important. For example, if the ice at home in stressful everyday life can not stand, so this can be completely different on vacation in a relaxed environment. Drinking is best before or after, but not directly to the food. Incorrect drinking can cause digestive problems and especially stomach ache. Alcohol and coffee often increase the symptoms. Sweet, greasy and too lavish is also to be avoided.

Gastric-friendly cooking and eating

Steamed food is more compatible than fried food. Fat is best deleted from the diet and only high quality oil used in small quantities. Raw food should not be eaten after 18.00 o'clock, expectorant should be avoided at all. Light soups and spices such as cumin, fennel and ginger are good for digestion. Citrus fruits and carbonated drinks may cause stomach aches. Chewing is also very important to avoid discomfort, because the first "digestive juice" is already released from the salivary gland in the mouth and thus the digestion is already initiated. If eaten hastily, the stomach has much more work - which can be painful!

Food should not be a necessary evil, but a pleasure. Add to that a nicely set table and a lovingly prepared plate. Bursting conversations are more likely to shift to after-meal time, they can spoil the meal.

Make meals conscious

Patients suffering from mild, recurrent stomach pain should definitely check their eating habits. Meals are always in a sitting position, in a quiet relaxed atmosphere and with sufficient time to take. Hasty food can affect the digestion enormously. The meal should not be a "side job" but should get the full attention. Lovingly prepared, relaxed atmosphere, possibly classical music in the background, all of which can contribute to a good digestion, so that stomach problems do not even arise.

This yoga asana is called marjaryasana, also called cat position. It can be wonderfully combined with the cow's position (Bitilasana) and helps with stress relief, which can prevent stomach problems. (Image: fizkes / fotolia.com)

Autogenic training and yoga exercises

There are several relaxation methods that can be performed preventively but also during the pain. Autogenic training, yoga or even progressive muscle relaxation are particularly suitable. Yoga can have a beneficial effect on irritable bowel and stomach discomfort because it has a relaxing and relaxing effect. Particularly suitable are the yoga asanas "back swing", "cat" and also the so-called "boat position".

Movement helps

Not every sport is possible on a full stomach, but a short walk after dinner can do wonders. A moderate pace makes sense to avoid heartburn and stitching. The uniform movement stimulates the intestinal movements (peristalsis) and thus improves the digestive processes. Caution: Tight underwear and constricting clothing collars can constrict the abdomen so much that it disturbs the digestive system. It is therefore advisable to wear loose clothing or simply to strap on the belt.

If the pain does not pass

If the pain is mild, the home remedies can help combat it. If, in addition to the stomach pain, unusual spinal pain occurs at the same time, the symptoms indicate gastritis. If the pain is barely noticeable immediately after eating and then returns even stronger, it is probably a gastritis. In any case, a doctor should be consulted in case there is no improvement after a few days. (sw, dp: updated on 05.08.2018)