Home remedy for gastrointestinal flu

Home remedy for gastrointestinal flu /
A gastrointestinal flu is particularly suitable to use home remedies, as they can relieve the symptoms lasting. However, you can not shorten the duration of the disease. But that is not absolutely necessary, since such a disease subsides after some usually by itself. During this time, the symptoms are very unpleasant: Severe diarrhea, feeling vomiting or nausea.


  • Against the diarrhea
  • pectins
  • Heilerde
  • Bulking agents
  • Sage, fennel and chamomile
  • Drink
  • Porridge and stew
  • Keep warm
  • Eat something?

Caution: In case of high fever or bloody diarrhea, medicines such as antibiotics, infusions and medical medicine for abdominal cramps are appropriate. Also, if you have bloody diarrhea, always go to the doctor, as it can be a symptom of serious illness. If the symptoms start after a long journey, please go immediately to a doctor. Many serious tropical diseases start with symptoms like gastrointestinal influenza.

Gastrointestinal Influenza can be countered with natural home remedies. Image: nikodash - fotolia

Against the diarrhea

Adsorbents bind bacteria and viruses, which then excrete those affected together with the ot. These home remedies include healing clay, pectins and white clay. However, this does not apply to tested medicines.


Pectins are found in many plants, for example in citrus fruits, bananas, apples, apricots or carrots. If you have a gastrointestinal infection, you can eat apples, make a carrot soup, or eat a fruit salad with oranges and bananas.


Clay is grated sand containing aluminum and silicon. The fine grain leads to a large surface that envelops toxins. You can buy such healing clay in the pharmacy, mix one to two teaspoons in cold water or tea and drink.

Healing earth relieves discomfort of a gastrointestinal flu. Picture: womue - fotolia

Bulking agents

Swelling agents bind water in the intestine, increase the volume of the stool and thus counteract diarrhea. The chair can also envelop bacteria and excrete. Psyllium husks and linseed are classic bulking agents that you can buy in supermarkets. You can eat these seeds with teaspoons pure, but also with a glass of milk, for example.

Swelling and linseed can also be excellent at the same time and also eat well. You can, for example, make a cereal with oatmeal, chopped apricots, apple wedges such as bananas, flax seed and stir everything with milk. Dried blueberries also contain tannins, which build up a layer of protein on the intestinal lining to prevent the passage of toxic bacteria.

Sage, fennel and chamomile

You can also make tea from dried blueberries to make the tannins available to the intestines. For this, pour two teaspoons of crushed berries with 150 ml of boiling water and let it draw for ten minutes. Of these you drink up to six cups daily.

Fennel, sage and chamomile tea inhibit inflammation and calm the stomach. Sage leaves contain a smorgasbord of substances that relieve the symptoms of many diseases and aid healing. Essential oil, camphor, salviol, betulin, asparagine, bitter, borneol, carnosic acid, flavonoids, fumaric acid, tannin, tannic acid, ledol, menthol, oleanolic acid, saponins, Thymol, zinc and various vitamins Sage has an antibacterial, anti-infective and urges the flow of urine.

Although salvia pastilles and salvia-based medicines are available in the pharmacy, it is best to pull some plants at home, on the balcony or in the garden, and store a supply of dried leaves. You can use the leaves just as fresh.

For a tea, place three to four sage leaves in a cup of hot water, let them draw for ten minutes or more and then sip in small sips. The taste of sage is not for everyone, a little squeezed lemon juice and honey soften it. In addition, there are now sage infusions in different flavors such as pineapple sage, which taste delicious and contain the same active ingredients.

Sage tea mixes well with ginger. Add a few slices of freshly cut ginger to the cup in addition to the sage. Whose

Gingerols are useful for treating stomach problems because they work against infection and inhibit the growth of harmful gastric mucosal bacteria.

Also, "normal" green and black tea contains tannins, as well as blackberry leaves, and they all help against gastrointestinal flu.


It's not just about what you drink - it's important that you drink, and do a lot. The diarrhea is used to get rid of the pathogens, but the sufferers lose a lot of fluids. If you have severe diarrhea, drink three liters a day.

Lukewarm tea and non-carbonated water are best. Less suitable are dairy products and fruit juices and carbonated drinks. However, citrus fruits provide the body with important vitamins, which are also urgently needed in a gastrointestinal infection. Therefore you should not give up oranges, limes or lemons.

On the other hand, you should refrain from alcohol because it irritates the affected stomach additionally.

Drinking can also mean eating soup. Vegetable soups with celery, broccoli, onions or carrots provide the body with plenty of fluids and important nutrients.

Diarrhea causes minerals to be lost. Doctors today usually reject the old rule of the house, which is why eating salted lobsters is a one-sided source of salt that can even be detrimental.

A reader on the forum chefkoch.de recommends as a home remedy for diarrhea.

3 tablespoons cane sugar 1/2 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 glass of orange juice 1 liter of water. Mix everything well and then drink.

Porridge and stew

An oatmeal soup protects the stomach and also contains nutrients. All you have to do is boil 12 grams of oatmeal with one liter of water, add salt or, depending on your taste, add sugar and breakfast is ready for the sick. You can also add fresh apple slices to the finished oatmeal slime.

A vegetable porridge, for example, cooked and mashed potatoes and carrots, seasoned with salt and pepper, also serves health.

Keep warm

For abdominal cramps in a gastrointestinal flu helps heat because it relaxes the abdominal muscles. Warming blankets, hot water bottles and warm clothes support healing.

An old home remedy is a potato envelope. They boil four to eight potatoes, crush them when they are tender, and lay them on a cloth. They let the measurements cool lukewarm, then lay on the aching stomach and bind the pad with a second cloth.

Eat something?

Those affected can resort to a variety of foods that protect the stomach or even alleviate the symptoms, because they bind bacteria or counteract diarrhea.

We recommend: porridge, white bread, soup, potatoes, rice, rusks and baby porridge. In the high phase you can puree boiled vegetables, for example potatoes, carrots with salt, pepper and parsley, or you can eat pasta with peas, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes with mushrooms, etc.

Even vegetables should steam or steam better now rather than saute it in a lot of oil. For carrots, however, you need a little oil because they can only release their nutrients in conjunction with fat. Casseroles or cooking in the oven at low temperatures are particularly suitable.

Generally: Do not eat very sweet and / or greasy, avoid strong spices and use fresh herbs instead (ginger also sage can be used for seasoning). Take lean meat and cut off visible fat, do not eat cream, fat cheese and a little butter.

Even if you usually like to stop at the snack: Do not fry until you're well again, on frying-food - no fries, fried calamari, curry sausages or chicken nuggets.

Dieting for gastrointestinal infections. Image: bit24 - fotolia

No goś during a gastrointestinal infection are: fat, smoked, cured and seared meat, duck, goose, fat and smoked sausage products such as liver and scarred sausage. On knuckle and knuckle you should give up some time.

Also unsuitable are fatty fish such as eel, herring, salmon, smoked fish and fish in marinades.

Reduce flatulent foods such as onions, radishes, cabbage, olives, beans, fatty meats, wheat and dark beer, greasy egg dishes, nuts and chocolate. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)