Home remedy for nasal mucosal inflammation

Home remedy for nasal mucosal inflammation /
Nasal mucosal inflammation in technical language called rhinitis (runny nose) and sinusitis (sinusitis). Especially with rhinitis, an inflammation in the nasal passageway, home remedies are often used. If the cold is for a long time and may be associated with concomitant symptoms, such as a general malaise, headache and / or fever, a doctor should be consulted.

In sinusitis, the mucous membrane in the paranasal sinuses is inflamed. This definitely belongs to the medical examination. However, in many cases home remedies can successfully support conventional medical treatment.


  • Anatomy and physiology of the nasal mucosa
  • Causes of a nasal mucosal inflammation
  • Symptoms of inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • When to the doctor?
  • Home remedy for nasal mucosal inflammation
  • nutrition
  • Inhale home remedies
  • Nasal irrigation in inflammation of the nose
  • Home remedies mustard flour foot bath
  • Supports with horseradish
  • Home remedies to sleep through at night
  • Herbal tea for nasal mucosal inflammation

Anatomy and physiology of the nasal mucosa

The nose and paranasal sinuses, which are mainly used for surface enlargement, are equipped with a so-called nasal mucosa. This contains on the surface of a multi-row ciliated epithelium in which mucus-producing goblet cells are, which moisten the mucous membrane constantly. Dust particles are transported by the rhythmically moving cilia in the direction of the nasopharynx. This nasal mucous membrane can become inflamed and, depending on the severity, only the nose in the form of a cold or sinusitis in the form of sinusitis is affected.

Most viruses are the cause of nasal mucosal inflammation. (Image: Henrie / fotolia.com)

Causes of a nasal mucosal inflammation

Nasal mucosal inflammations can be both acute and chronic and also be allergic. An acute cold is almost always due to viral causes. Most responsible for this are rhino, influenza and adenoviruses, which are transmitted by droplets. Causes of chronic rhinitis, which mainly affects the nasal cavity, but can also spread to the remaining paranasal sinuses, irritants, such as dust, a long-lasting cold period or polyps and tumors in the nasal cavity.

An allergic rhinitis can burden the affected person throughout the year or seasonally, as hay fever, to torment. The reason for this is allergic reactions to certain pollens, foods, feathers, house dust, animal hair or occupational allergens.

Sinusitis, in which the mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses (for example the frontal sinus or the maxillary sinus) are inflammatory, usually occurs in conjunction with a cold or subsequently. The causes are usually bacteria. First, the cold is there, the nasal mucosa is swollen, the excretory ducts of the paranasal sinuses are transferred through the mucus, from which then can develop a sinusitis. The nasal mucous membrane is already weakened by the viruses that have caused the cold, which is why bacteria can easily spread here.

Affected is usually a paranasal sinus. The chronic variant can be caused by recurring infections, anatomically induced nasal septum curvature, polyps, enlarged nasal turbinates, an allergic reaction or a weakened immune system. In rare cases, sinusitis, especially if the maxillary sinus is affected, may occur after tooth extraction or inflammation of the tooth roots.

Typical symptoms of nasal irritation are a stuffy nose, headache and fatigue. (Image: Alexander Raths / fotolia.com)

Symptoms of inflammation of the nasal mucosa

With a mild inflammation of the nose, the nose runs, the secretion is thin and clear at first, but later on it gets a green-yellowish color due to the ingress of bacteria. Mild headaches may be associated with rhinitis. If the inflammation has spread further and settled on the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses, this is a sinusitis.

In a pansinusitis all paranasal sinuses are affected. In addition to a stuffy nose, pain occurs. These are felt in inflammation of the antrum, especially in the area of ​​the cheeks. If the frontal sinus is affected, the forehead hurts, in case of an inflammation of the ethmoid bone the affected persons have severe pain above the nose and between the eyes, the sphenoid sinus is inflamed, pain in the neck and mid-skull.

In case of advanced disease, the affected person usually feels chipped, tired, headaches, which can be very massive, occur and possibly even fever is added. The diseased paranasal sinuses are knocking painful and movements of the head, especially to the front, are usually unbearable.

When to the doctor?

In a simple nasal mucosa, which occurs as a harmless cold, usually the treatment with home remedies is sufficient. However, if the rhinitis occurs more frequently and is difficult to treat, this should definitely be clarified by a doctor. If the inflammation continues to spread and the nasal sinuses are affected, the whole to the doctor is unavoidable. It may be necessary to perform diagnostic tests such as sonography, X-ray, rhinoscopy or computed tomography. In addition to conventional medical treatment, the simultaneous use of home remedies can be quite helpful.

Home remedy for nasal mucosal inflammation

Home remedies may be completely sufficient for a harmless nasal mucosa, but otherwise accompany the conventional medical treatment and support.


In the first place there is an adequate supply of fluid for all respiratory infections. This is very important so that the mucus liquefies and thus can not set. So at least two liters of liquid in the form of still water and herbal tea are recommended.

Onions and horseradish free the nose, garlic, chilli, chives, blackcurrants, blueberries and blackberries strengthen the defense. With a stuffy nose, which usually occurs with inflammations of the nasal mucous membranes, the enjoyment of fresh horseradish is quite helpful, as it makes the nose "free" and thus makes breathing easier again. In addition, the horseradish has an immune-stimulating and antibacterial effect. The horseradish can be mixed pure with some freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey and every few hours a small teaspoon is taken.

Inhalation with salt counteracts the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. (Image: Rangzen / fotolia.com)

Inhale home remedies

Daily inhalation is a home remedy that is extremely important for nasal irritation, whether it's runny nose or sinusitis. As an additive sea salt or Himalayasalz is very good, because this is gentle on the mucous membranes, cleanses and moisturizes them, liquefies the mucus and has a positive effect on the healing process.

Important: Traditional inhaling with the head over a bowl does not work when inhaling with salt water. Because similar to a system for salt extraction only evaporates the steam, while the salt deposited on the bottom of the pot or the bowl and thus remains ineffective. In order for the salt to reach the affected nasal mucosa, it is advisable to use special inhalation devices that atomize the saline solution into fine aerosol. The salty mist is inhaled through a mask and can thus specifically alleviate the inflammation.

Nasal irrigation in inflammation of the nose

Another home remedy for combating nasal mucosal inflammation is rinsing the nose with a saline solution. For this, a teaspoonful of sea salt or Himalayan salt is dissolved in one liter of boiled water. Several times a day it is given something in the hollow hand and sucked up with one nostril and then immediately tilted the head on the same side. (left nostril - left side, right nostril - right side). Another option is to use a nasal douche with salt water running in through one nostril and then drain through the other nostril again.

Home remedies mustard flour foot bath

The mustard flour footbath is an old, somewhat unusual but effective home remedy. In general, heat is important for nasal mucosal inflammation, cold drafts are poison. Here the irradiation with red light can bring relief. During walks, a cap or a headband should definitely be worn. It is also important to take care of warm feet. Here, a foot bath with mustard flour helps with the onset of cold, with colds and sinusitis. However, this should only be used when the skin is completely intact.

From 100 to 150 grams of mustard flour and half a liter of lukewarm water, a porridge is stirred, placed in a cloth and added the pressed mustard flour water to the bath water, which should have a temperature of about 36 to 37 ° C. The tied tea towel with the mustard flour is added to the bathing tub, however, so that no mustard can be extracted from the cloth. This is expressed several times during bathing.

So that the sharp smell of the mustard does not rise in the nose, the bath can be covered with a cloth. The bath duration is between five and fifteen minutes, depending on skin sensitivity. After the foot bath, the skin is rubbed with a good, cold-pressed oil, for example an almond oil. Then the feet are in wool socks and the patient on the sofa or even in bed. This foot bath can be used daily, but only if the skin is no longer red.

Horseradish pads can be very helpful in nasal irritation. (Image: photocrew / fotolia.com)

Supports with horseradish

A somewhat unusual, but also helpful home remedy for rhinitis is horseradish. It is important that the eyes must be covered and the application may take a maximum of four minutes.

On a small cotton cloth in the size of about 10 by 10 centimeters, some freshly grated horseradish is applied and this compress then placed on the affected area, for example, cheeks or forehead. The eyes must be covered, with the help of moist cotton pads, swimming goggles or the like.

The first horseradish application should take no longer than a minute. Once the skin is red, the compress is removed, but at the latest after four minutes. Thereafter, the treated area must be supplied with a nourishing skin oil, for example olives or almond oil. A renewed application is only possible if the reddening of the skin has completely disappeared. Both the mustard flour bath and the horseradish dressing are only suitable for teenagers and adults.

Home remedies to sleep through at night

In order to breathe deeply at night, it helps to set up rings cut into rings, which are placed at the head end. This sounds a bit disgusting, but the somewhat unpleasant onion odor decongesting on the nasal mucosa. The hanging of onion and garlic pieces has a similar effect.

Herbal tea for nasal mucosal inflammation

A ginger tea, home remedies from Ayurveda, helps with the onset of cold, sore throat and nasal mucosal inflammation. For this, some ginger is cut into small pieces, boiled with boiling water and strained after about ten minutes. Depending on your taste, this tea is sweetened with a little honey, refined with cinnamon and drunk three to four cups in small sips throughout the day.

At the first signs of nasal irritation, elderflower tea helps. A teaspoon of dried elderflower is boiled with about 200 milliliters of boiling water, strained after five to six minutes, possibly sweetened with a little honey and drunk in small sips. Already two to three cups of elderflower tea throughout the day can boost the immune system. (sw, nr, updated on 7.9.2017)