At Easter, the organic eggs are scarce

Healthy colorful easter eggs: organic eggs are in great demand
In the week before Easter, about twice as many eggs are bought in Germany as usual, reports the Agrarmarkt Informationsgesellschaft. The consumers of the last dioxin scandal apparently still very much present. Organic eggs are enjoying a high level of popularity and the first supply bottlenecks are imminent.
"In many places, organic eggs are scarce," said Carola Ketelhodt, Managing Director of the Bioland cultivation association in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In addition to the eggs from ecological attitude, however, the ready-painted eggs from industrial plants are relatively popular at Easter. The problem with this is that many of the colorful eggs come from abroad, where considerably less stringent rules for keeping poultry apply.
Dioxin scandal leaves its mark - organic eggs are especially popular
The dioxin scandal late last year has apparently left a noticeable impression on consumers to this day. Shortly before Easter, the share of organic eggs in sales is unusually high. Currently, "organic eggs (...) sell around 25 percent better" than eggs from industrial companies, said the Edeka spokeswoman Marion Grundmann to the "Baltic newspaper". However, the suppliers "come to their limits due to the increased demand, so that at the moment delivery losses of the organic eggs have to be reckoned with," added the spokeswoman for Edeka. Apparently, the capacity of the organic sector is not yet sufficient to cover the existing needs in the high season before Easter. The sharp increase in demand for organic eggs since the end of last year is not yet matched by enough producers.
Healthy staple food
Despite the dioxin scandal, most consumers do not want to give up eating eggs, also because they contain a variety of healthy nutrients and vitamins. Eggs are a staple food in this country with numerous positive health properties. The hen egg protein can be used by the human organism particularly well and used for the construction of own proteins. In addition, an average hen's egg contains more than four grams of mono- or polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, the minerals calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc and all vitamins except vitamin C are included. Eggs also have a relatively high lipid and cholesterol content. To enumerate all positive health properties of the various ingredients at this point would simply go beyond the scope. But it should be noted that the egg consumption not only brings benefits. In particular, people who have problems with their cholesterol, should consume eggs only in moderation at Easter. (Fp)
Also read:
Health risk from dioxin eggs
Dioxin scandal: majority no longer has confidence
Study proves: Easter eggs are healthy
Easter eggs are the better medicines (PDF)
Picture: Gisela Schlenzig