To mild winter allergic person earlier than usual burdened with allergic symptoms

Almost every year meanwhile it says: The pollen fly always earlier. This is due to the mild winters, which are unusually warm and dry. The symptom-free time for allergy sufferers is thus shortening. Your health will be heavily burdened.
Early pollen due to mild winter
The mild weather this winter allows pollen to fly very early and causes discomfort to people suffering from pollen allergy and hay fever. As in previous years, the first hazelnut pollen allergy sufferers already at Christmas. In a message from the news agency dpa experts explain important to the topic: "The mild temperatures have led to the allergy to early flowering began in December," said Professor Joachim Saloga of the University of Mainz. Gerhard Lux of the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach confirmed that: "Pollen from hazel and alder were already on the way."

Completely reduced time for allergy sufferers
Lux further said: "Even the birch could be earlier due to the currently very warm weather." The pollen count was favored not only by the warm temperatures, but also by the little rain in many parts of Germany. For allergy sufferers, winter with a less-early pollen count is a rather symptom-free time, during which the sensitive immune system can regenerate. "Without this break increases the risk of developing asthma," explained Saloga. "The attacked mucous membranes and airways can not heal so well, that can lead to permanent damage."
Wear clothes to the wardrobe outside
When the pollen fly, it is difficult to escape. On the website "" of the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) you can find out about the latest polls. For indoor use, Saloga recommended pollen lattices to help keep 90 percent of pollen out. In addition, you should wear clothes that were worn outside, directly at the dressing room and after a stay outdoors with water through the hair. "It would be best, of course, to wash your hair every time you were outside," says Saloga. "That way you can at least reduce the pollen load indoors."
Hyposensitization to hay fever
Otherwise, according to the expert help anti-histamine and a so-called hyposensitization to hay fever. In this, the immune system is slowly getting used to the allergens. "You should start raising awareness at a time when you are as little as possible in contact with the allergens," said the professor. "But if the pollen is flying all year round, it hampers the therapy." This is usually started in the fall, so that in the spring - when most pollen fly - even an improvement occurs. Most health experts advise affected people about this immunotherapy and point out that it can also prevent many asthma diseases in advance because asthma is one of several possible health effects of hay fever.
Natural home remedies provide relief
However, as Salonga explained, according to the dpa news agency, sensitization to "peak pollen" should be reduced or even suspended. Meanwhile, allergy sufferers should do little sport outside, as the allergens were particularly deep into the bronchi. Hay fever sufferers often use a nasal douche to alleviate their discomfort: the ducts of the nasal cavity are flushed daily with water and brine such as Emser salt, thus simply transporting pollen and dirt particles out. Other home remedies for hay fever from natural medicine can also provide relief. (Ad)