Too loud music makes deaf ears in children?

When children or adolescents are confronted with statements such as "Make the music quieter, you're going to be deaf!" Or "Does it have to be that loud?", Many of them dismiss it as supposedly stuffy. Is it really true that too many decibels can lead to deafness or is that exaggerated?
Do you become deaf due to loud music?
Noise can harm your health. Among other things, noise causes headaches, nervousness, inner restlessness and stress. Studies by the Federal Environmental Agency have shown in the past that strong sound increases the release of the stress hormone adrenaline. The result of this can be high blood pressure and heart attack. Also on the ear should have excessive volume effects. Teenagers have to listen to this from their parents again and again. But sometimes music is only really good if it is turned up to the stop. Then you also hear warnings from other people, such as: "He who listens to music too loudly becomes deaf", not anymore. But there is really something to that claim?

For headphones, danger is greater
Prof. Thomas Lenarz, Director of the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of the Hannover Medical School, explained in a message from the dpa news agency that this is not the case: "Deafness does not make you deaf, but hard of hearing." And that in turn depends on the Duration, intensity, type of noise and individual feeling. According to the experts, the danger of headphones or plug-in phones being greater, the music to turn loud. As Lenarz explained, boxing gives you a better sense of the true volume through the bass.
Hearing of teenagers worldwide threatened by loud music
The number of adolescents whose hearing is at risk from noise is in the millions. As stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) a few months ago, loud music poses a threat to the hearing of more than a billion teenagers worldwide. According to its findings, around 360 million people are now affected by moderate to severe hearing problems for various reasons, and around 1.1 billion teenagers According to the WHO, young adults and adults are risking a loss of their sense of hearing through loud music listening. Even when visiting clubs and sporting events many of them are exposed to a dangerous volume.
Noise pollution should be kept as short as possible
No matter what kind of noise pollution: Children must be protected to avoid harmful consequences. Lenarz explained that people who are exposed to noise levels of 90 decibels per day - equivalent to noisy machine sounds that can no longer be talked to - are likely to be hard of hearing. The doctor pointed out that the louder it gets, the shorter you should be exposed to the noise. It is said, however, that a day does not usually harm hearing in the ear. In so-called impulsive noise, such as a shot, but this is different: the hearing reacts to it much more sensitive. This can cause, among other things, ear pain. And already an exploding Böller can cause permanent hearing damage. (Ad)