Effective jasmine fragrance as a replacement for Valium

Effective jasmine fragrance as a replacement for Valium / Health News

The scent of jasmine as Valium replacement? Scientists point to the calming effect of the jasmine flower.

(09.07.2010) Scientists have stated in a study that the scent of jasmine flowers can have a calming effect on humans. The effect is similar to sleep medication or so-called mood enhancers. The scent of the jasmine variety "Gardenia jasminoides" have the same effect as barbiturates (hypnotics) or propofol (hypnotics).

It is amazing what diversity nature has in store for effective substances. Naturopathy has long been aware of beneficial healing plants that have a calming effect on the human organism. Well-known examples are St. John's wort, valerian or Bach flowers. Scientists at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and the University of Bochum have now shown through a study that certain fragrances of the jasmine flower can have a calming and mood-enhancing effect on people. The researchers around Helmut Hass and Hanns Hatt compared the effect with medicines that have a sleep-promoting effect.

During the study, it was found that the fragrances of the jasmine variety "Gardenia jasminoides" show the same molecular mechanism of action on the animals, such as barbiturates (hypnotics) and propofol (hypnotics). These drugs are often prescribed to patients and are considered strong psychotropic drugs. These drugs in turn cause strong side effects and are therefore very harmful to the health of the patient. For example, propofol may cause unwanted muscle cramps, bludder pressure, allergic reactions and nightmares. In severe but rare cases, some patients even suffered metabolic imbalance with disorders of the cardiovascular system and muscle breakdown.

The difference in the effect between conventional drugs and the jasmine flower lie according to scientists alone in the dosage. Thus, no adequate efficacy can be achieved when patients put a bouquet of jasmine flowers in the room. For this reason, the scientists of the two universities would work hard to change the chemical structure of the fragrance molecules so that the effect of the jasmine flower is enhanced. Whether the jasmine plant can cause side effects is still unknown and requires further research. However, the discovery of efficacy is already considered a scientific proof of the foundations of natural aromatherapy. Both researchers have already filed a patent for their discovery. (Sb)

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Bach flowers - gentle support for everyone

Image: Gisela Peter