Effective sleep aids of naturopathy sure

Effective sleep aids of naturopathy sure / Health News

Herbal sleeping aids are effective and safe


Restful sleep is the basic requirement for health, performance and well-being. However, today's living conditions mean that more and more people complain about sleep problems and seek help from the doctor or pharmacy. Approximately five percent of the population were affected, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) calculated in 2010. The consumption of sleeping pills is correspondingly high. Especially seniors often resort to sleeping pills. Especially for them, however, the typical side effects of chemical sleep aids such as dizziness and danger of falling are particularly consequential.

Hops, melissa and passionflower as sleeping aids
In the meantime, sleep therapy without such risks has long existed. Dr. Martin E. Keck from the Zurich Center for Natural Sciences in Munich: sleep aids made from valerian extracts alone or in combination with hops, lemon balm and passionflower have proven to be an evidence-based alternative to risky synthetic hypnotics and sedatives in a large number of well-controlled and randomized clinical trials.

The mode of action of the Phytosedativa was explained by Prof. Keck using the example of a combination of valerian root and hop cones extract. The natural regulation of sleep occurs through two different regulatory mechanisms - adenosine and melatonin. The longer the wakefulness lasts, the higher the adenosine level increases, which increases the sleep pressure and leads to readiness to sleep. In the dark melatonin is released again, a substance that is responsible for controlling the „internal clock“ responsible is.

The herbal combination unfolds a similar synergistic effect as the body: valerian activates the adenosine receptors, while hops as „herbal melatonin“ acts and controls the nocturnal sleeping window. Thus, the quality of sleep can be significantly improved after only two weeks of treatment with the Phytosedativum. The previously disturbed sleep architecture normalizes, the patient wakes up less often during the night, experiences pronounced dream phases and often goes through restful deep sleep phases. „The comparison with synthetic sleep aids shows“, summarizes the Zurich expert, „Phytopharmaceuticals are an evidence-based, well-tolerated and well accepted alternative to traditional synthetic drugs“. (Kfr)