Wasp Stings Simple defense trick against annoying wasps

Wasp Stings Simple defense trick against annoying wasps / Health News

Not puffing: Helpful tips on dealing with wasps

Although it is beautiful to sit outside in the warm months, summer time is always wasp time. While wasps are usually harmless, they can be dangerous to those with an insect sting allergy. An expert explains how to protect yourself from wasps.

Dryness and heat make for a good wasp year

The dry weather of the last few months has ensured that there are many more wasps this summer. Since the beginning of August, the yellow-black insects are increasingly producing fruit pies, juice and ice. The enjoyment of sweet foods in the open air can therefore quickly become uncomfortable. However, the encounter with the uninvited guests is no reason to panic. The Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern (LBV) gives some helpful tips on how to behave properly during wasp visits and effectively protect yourself from stings.

Wasps are useful animals because they pollinate flowers, but they also make sweet food in the garden and can be quite annoying. A simple trick can help to drive off the insects in a natural way. (Image: Ingo Bartussek / fotolia.com)

Wasp stings can be dangerous

Wasp stings are not only painful, but can even lead to death in case of an allergy. And even with non-allergic people, they can sometimes be life-threatening, such as if they happen in the mouth or throat.

To avoid wasp stings, keep the insects away from you as far as possible. Among other things, a nebulizer filled with tap water can help.

When wasps are sprayed with the atomized water, they think that it starts to rain and therefore flee to their nest, explains LBV spokesman Markus Erlwein.

Keep calm and avoid hectic movements

Of certain supposed tricks to keep wasps, the LBV counsels. For example, copper coins laid on the table are useless.

"Traps or distraction feeds even have a negative impact, as even more animals are attracted," explains the LBV spokesman.

"Especially during thunderstorms or at the end of the flight time the obtrusiveness of many wasps increases. Then they are best avoided. "

If that does not work, it is important to keep calm when approaching a wasp. Hectic or panic movements should be avoided near the insects.

"In no case blow away the wasp, because the carbon dioxide in the breath is an alarm signal for the animals and puts them in attack mood," explains Erlwein.

Wasps usually do not react aggressively when looking for food anyway. They only defend themselves when they feel threatened.

Simple rules of conduct

The LBV communication contains even more simple rules of conduct that help to avoid unpleasant incidents:

For example, food and drinks should be covered outdoors and any leftovers immediately removed after the barbecue party.

"It is also important to have children drink with a straw and to wipe their faces and their hands after eating so as not to attract the wasps," says Erlwein.

Wasps can also be attracted by smells like scented perfume, creams and wood furniture polish. But colorful flowered clothing has their appeal. Furthermore, you should always keep the trash and compost covered.

Fly screens or a room lock, such as a curtain to the front door, are useful to keep wasps out of home and apartment.

Simple home remedies have proven themselves

But sometimes all the good tips will not help and it begs the question what to do if a wasp stabbed?

If the sting is still visible, it should be carefully pulled out with the tweezers. Then cool the area around the stitch with cold compresses so that the swelling fades faster.

In the case of insect bites in the mouth, ice cubes are beneficial for sucking, so that the respiratory tract does not swell.

As a home remedy for wasp stings are also onions or lemon slices, which are placed on the affected areas.

Experts also recommend their own saliva, which is rubbed on the stitch, as well as aloe vera, fresh ribwort, clove oil, wraps of alumina and vinegar water or herbs from the garden such as parsley or basil. (Ad)