Wasp stings Remove the poison immediately from the skin

Wasp stings Remove the poison immediately from the skin / Health News
Cube sugar absorbs the poison - which home remedies help with a wasp sting?
Late summer is wasp time and the black and yellow insects are then increasingly looking for food. They are also attracted to human food and the risk of a painful wasp sting increases significantly. Various home remedies can help with such a sting, but is quick action so that the insecticide can not even spread in the body. If a puncture occurs in the pharynx, a doctor or an emergency doctor should always be contacted immediately, as in the worst case, the respiratory tract can swell.

Although wasp stings are painful, as a rule, the healing proceeds without complications. For allergy sufferers, however, such a sting can be life-threatening, and even non-allergic people sometimes experience serious complications. Quick action is therefore required after a wasp sting to remove the poison from the wound before it can spread further in the organism.

In a wasp sting quick action is required to prevent the spread of poison in the body. (Image: jcwait / fotolia.com)

Sugar cubes on the puncture site
The less poison is in the skin, the lower the reaction. To remove the poison from the wound is for example a moistened piece of sugar cubes, which is placed on the puncture site and so can absorb the poison from the wound, reports the news agency "dpa".

Destroy the wasp poison with heat
Since wasp venom consists of protein molecules, heat is another option. For example, the poison can be destroyed by dabbing it with a heated spoon in its structure. The heat must be chosen so that no burns occur, and the process can be repeated several times (also on the next and / or the next day). Other home remedies for wasp stings https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/hausmittel/hausmittel-gegen-wespenstiche/ are aimed primarily at minimizing inflammation and the prevention of possible infections.

Chronically ill patients are increasingly threatened with complications
Especially elderly people with chronic diseases should pay more attention to the protection against wasp and bee stings, reports the chief physician of the Evangelical Center for Gerontology in Potsdam, Christine Eichler, to the "dpa". Because with these people complications are particularly common. Also, for example, diabetics would often not feel if they are stung and the sting will not be noticed until it has already ignited.

Protective measures against wasp stings
Above all, when eating and drinking outdoors, caution is required and drinks should be covered to protect, for example, with a beer mat or a napkin, the note in the message of "dpa". On opaque bottles or cans is better to dispense and leftovers should be cleared immediately after the meal. If a wasp gets lost in clothing, carefully remove the garment without squeezing the wasp and provoking a sting.

Since allergy sufferers can already experience shortness of breath and other severe symptoms within a few minutes of a wasp sting, in the best case they should always carry an emergency kit in order to be able to react in the event of a wasp sting. Even for non-allergy sufferers so-called "anti-bite pins" are commercially available, which can be carried at any time and should achieve destruction of the poison when they are applied directly to the stitch. (Fp)