Wasp sting First aid for allergic shock

Wasp sting First aid for allergic shock / Health News

Emergency measures and various home remedies help with insect bites


A wasp sting can not only be very unpleasant and painful, but even lead to life-threatening situations in stings in the mouth, throat and allergies. Accordingly, it is important to act swiftly and correctly in a trick and to take care by appropriate precautionary measures that wasps have no chance at all.

Immediate cooling instead of vinegar or sliced ​​onion
Insect bites are quite common especially in the summer and in the case of mosquito bites and ant bites are usually relatively harmless. If, on the other hand, a wasp stings, the result is usually a strong, stabbing pain, shortly afterwards a reddening and swelling appears at the puncture site. If these symptoms persist, there is usually no cause for concern. Rather, simple immediate measures can help alleviate the symptoms. Like Julia Hölker from the professional association of German dermatologists (BVDD) to the news agency „dpa“ However, home remedies such as vinegar envelopes or a sliced ​​onion are rather unsuitable here. Instead, it is especially important to take the sting instantly, for example with one „Coolpack“ To cool from the freezer, so that the inflammation can not spread further. Then antihistamine or slightly cortisone-containing ointments could be used to relieve the symptoms.

If allergic symptoms and stings in the face or neck area, immediately select 112 If there is no allergy, the symptoms clear in most cases within 24 hours clearly. However, if a person is allergic to the insect venom, severe itching and reddening and wheals appear all over the body right after the sting, and more severe headaches, dizziness, palpitations, mouth burns, dysphagia, dyspnoea, and nausea may occur and vomiting come. If allergic symptoms show up, contact the 112 emergency service immediately, as it can quickly lead to an allergic shock - which is life-threatening and needs immediate attention. The same applies to people who are stung in the face or neck area or even from the inside of the throat (for example, by swallowing). Because even non-allergy sufferers are at high risk because these areas can swell so much that there is an acute shortage of air.

First aid measures until the rescue service arrives
But until the rescue service arrives, escorts must provide first aid on the advice of the German Red Cross. Accordingly, it should first be checked whether the sting is still in the skin. If this is the case, it should be carefully with the fingernail or tweezers laterally out of the skin „mopped“ On the other hand, grasping or pulling out the spine could cause residual poison to enter the skin from the venomous bladder. Subsequently, the puncture site with an ice pack, Coolpack o.ä. (But never place ice directly on the skin!). In addition, the person should either in a shock storage or a breath-facilitating attitude such. the „box seat“ in which he sits with his upper body bent forward and his thighs resting on his forearms. If the person is unconscious, he must be placed in the stable side position, in a respiratory arrest, there is also the necessary immediate measure in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

According to the DAK more and more insect bites would have to be treated in the hospital, alone 642 DAK insured nationwide last year were affected - and thus 35% more than in 2012. The risk of a wasp sting was thereby according to the health insurance in the highest because especially wasps are currently foraging and find attractive in cakes, ice cream and sweet drinks „energy suppliers“, which is intrusive fought over. In addition, as wasps, bees and hornets prefer heat, the risk is generally higher in the south of Germany, as well as in rural areas, because the insect populations there are larger than in the city. „Most who go to the hospital with insect bites probably fear an allergic reaction“, so Dr. Susanne Bleich, a doctor at DAK-Gesundheit „Only about three to five percent have an allergy.“ Accordingly, it is usually sufficient for the expert, even with a large swelling after a stitch, to cool the spot. „If you are unsure, but should go to the doctor - especially if children are stung“, advises Dr. Bleach on, because „There you can also discuss whether an allergy test makes sense.“

Distract insects with overripe fruit
As a precautionary measure, according to information from the DAK, care should be taken right now to avoid violent movements that could make the animals feel threatened. Also, the attempt to blow away a wasp, should absolutely be omitted, since the ejected
Carbon dioxide makes the animals even more aggressive. In addition to food and drinks should always be covered and leftovers always immediately cleared away. It is also important, especially children after eating cakes, ice cream, lemonade, etc. Always immediately wipe his mouth so that wasps are not attracted by the sticky remains. In addition, if possible, should not be drunk directly from the bottle, as the animals could have fallen into unnoticed. Instead, strawberries should be used better and the aggressive insects could be easily distracted by overripe fruit a few meters away from the covered table. (No)

Picture: JPW. Peters