Wasp plague Meaningful tricks and home remedies for wasps

Wasp plague Meaningful tricks and home remedies for wasps / Health News
The wasp plague is particularly bad this summer. Most believe the wasps should be killed easily. "That only makes things worse," warn experts. Once the insects become aggressive due to their fear of death, they also sting faster. In addition, slain wasps send out the messenger pheromone, which attracts other wasps. They notice the attack and also react aggressively. Better are simple home remedies that expel the wasps in a natural way.

In summery weather there is nothing better than sitting on the terrace with a cool refreshing drink. But there is an annoying disturbing factor: wasps. These become more and more aggressive in August, also have this year developed a lot of animals due to the mild winter. What really helps against the yellow-black insects? The expert Prof. dr. Heinz Mehlhorn gives valuable tips.

Wasps everywhere: So the wasps can be expelled. (Image: vectorass - fotolia)

Food and drinks attract the omnivores
Anyone sitting comfortably in the garden with an ice cream or a glass of apple spritzer will be attacked by the first wasps within a few seconds. The reason: The two species (common and German wasp), which become annoying in August, are omnivores and come flown as soon as they discover something edible. "Usually they hunt insects and spiders. If they find food with us, they do not have to chase hard, "says Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Mehlhorn, Insectologist at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

Do not kill animals or lure them in syrup trap
If you do not manage to get rid of the aggressive insects, you might end up with a sting. This is not only painful, but in the case of an allergy even life-threatening. Accordingly, the plague ghosts should be distributed in advance as best as possible. However, the animals should not be killed or trapped in traps. The nests are also taboo and in extreme cases should only be removed by a specialist. Mehlhorn.

Because wasps "[.] Are very useful and are therefore under protection of species. They hunt flies, mosquitoes, spiders, etc. - anything else that gets on our nerves or transmits infections. And that in huge quantities, "the biologist told the newspaper. Depending on the season, a wasp people often have 3500 so-called "workers", who in turn have to provide for the diet about as many larvae. Therefore, a lot of food is needed, for which the wasps would eat accordingly many pests.

Bad smells do not help to deter
According to Mehlhorn, however, there would be "no magic recipe" to drive off the aggressive prey hunters. Ablenkfutterplätzen could not always help, because the animals would like to go in the area in search of food. If you want to have breakfast on the balcony or terrace, you should take care to bring tempting food such as jam or cold cuts until the end. "Then you can usually eat in peace."

On the table distributed copper coins, tomato plants or burnt coffee powder would not be suitable for expulsion. Because the idea that the wasps would be deterred by certain odors, was "nonsense". For the voraciousness is too large: "If the wasps are hungry or need food for the offspring, they are not even scared of biting barbecue smoke from the robbers. There they are relentless, "says the Insectologist.

Do not leave rotten wood in the garden
In order to prevent the wasps from building a nest in their own garden, no rotten wood should be left lying. Because this would serve the animals as a building material by scraping it off, chew, mix with saliva and finally use to build the nests.

An allergy causes massive swelling. Since there is a danger to life, an emergency doctor must be called immediately. Image: vectorass - fotolia

If wasps are in sight, it is important to keep calm. Because "the wasps do not sting humans by themselves," says Prof. Mehlhorn. However, this changes when they are e.g. feeling threatened by wild beatings with the arms. Because then the animals would exterminate "alarm pheromones", by which other wasps would be attracted and the aggressiveness would rise.

Careful pushing away instead of wild hitting
Therefore, try to gently and gently push away the insects. Rule enough rest, a wasp can be petted by the experts after even eating, without it scores. If that happens, this is not automatically cause for panic, because "one or more wasp stings are usually completely harmless," says Prof. Mehlhorn.
However, special care should be taken with an allergy. Depending on the sensitivity, even a single sting could cause a life-threatening allergic shock. However, this is avoidable by special anti-allergy drugs (antihistamines) from the pharmacy, also could a so-called "insect venom immunotherapy" provide effective protection, the expert.

Have children drink through a straw
Nevertheless, threaten even with non-allergic people "suffocation, if one in the mouth, throat or throat is stung", so the warning. Accordingly, it is important to make sure before each bite and each sip that no wasp can be swallowed. It is advisable to close or cover drinks as a precaution, especially for Kindersei also drinking through a straw recommended.

In case of a sting, the spot should be cooled, be it "with spit, water or ice", advises the expert. This alleviates the pain and stops the spread of the poison. In addition, antihistamines from the pharmacy could help, while allergy sufferers should take their special emergency medications. In addition, the environment should be informed and informed about first aid measures in order to be able to receive appropriate support in an emergency.

In case of nausea and shortness of breath, call the emergency doctor immediately
"In the case of an insect bite, if noticeable symptoms such as shortness of breath, rash or nausea occur, the emergency doctor should be called immediately", says Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Homey, Allergologist of the Medical Faculty of the University of Dusseldorf. However, by the time the rescue service arrives, people on the alert should do first aid on the advice of the German Red Cross, as an insect sting allergy can be very dangerous. This means above all reassuring encouragement, cooling and storage with elevated legs (shock). In addition, it may be necessary to remove the sting. However, care should be taken to ensure that this is not pulled out, but carefully "wiped" sideways out of the skin to prevent further spread of the poison. (No)