Wasp stings What helps if a wasp stabbed

Wasp stings What helps if a wasp stabbed / Health News

What really helps with a wasp sting

The current wasp plague disturbs many people. No sooner do you sit in the garden or on the terrace than the insects jump on the cake or make their way over the sausage and cheese loaves. But what can you do if you stab yourself or others??

When one is stung by a wasp
In and of itself, wasps are peace-loving animals. However, if they feel threatened, they can extend and prick their sting. The summer temperatures ensure that many insects are currently on the move. Some people see it as a veritable plague, because you can hardly be outdoors, without being buzzing. In droves, wasps pounce on the food that they want to eat in the garden. Experts have various tips on what to do in wasp stings.

Rash on leg due to wasp sting. Picture: eyetronic - fotolia

Reduce swelling and pain
If one is stung by a wasp, that is extremely unpleasant: The skin around the puncture site hurts, itches, swells and turns red. But even if it hurts, usually wasp stings are safe for people who do not suffer from insect sting allergies. It is therefore important to keep calm and avoid panic. If you were stung, it is best to sit in the shade or go indoors and get away from the wasp. Unlike the bee, it can sting several times. Then cool the stitch best with pads from the refrigerator. This relieves swelling and pain. Optionally, antihistamine or slightly cortisone-containing ointments can be used.

Emergency rescue service alert
Experts advise people to be informed if they were stung, because in case of an allergic reaction they can help immediately and - if necessary - inform the ambulance. In the case of stings in the face and neck area or in the mouth and throat, emergency services must be called immediately via the 112 number. By sucking ice cubes you can slow down the formation of swelling. Bee and wasp stings in these areas can become so thick that you can not breathe more than just people with allergies. In such cases, there is an acute danger to life.

A sting in the respiratory tract can be life threatening. Image: Henrie - fotolia

Insect sting allergy is often underestimated
In any case, you should inform the person concerned if there is an allergy to insect bites. Unfortunately, an insect venom allergy is often underestimated and although wasp stings can lead to death in an allergy. As a rule, allergy sufferers carry a set of medicines for emergencies. If necessary, they should be helped to take them. Even in people who are not aware of their own allergies, reactions and the injection site should be observed. If, for example, symptoms such as excessive swelling, dizziness, rash or respiratory distress occur, the rescue service must be informed immediately by calling 112. Allergy sufferers may experience anaphylactic shock - an allergic emergency. In such cases immediate first aid is required. Affected get a circulatory collapse, they faint and can not breathe. In the worst case, they suffer a cardiovascular arrest. Then you have to start the revival immediately.

Avoid wasp stings best
Ideally, it should be avoided that it even comes to a wasp sting. For this you can fall back on some successful tricks and means. When eating outdoors, it is best to check food and drinks before eating them. For example, wasps can hide under sausage slices or in beverage cans. When a wasp approaches, you should not beat it. And certainly not when children are around. The little ones often develop a panic that has been instilled by their parents. Among other things, to keep the insects away, it can also help to set up a bowl of overripe fruit at a distance of a few meters. As a result, wasps are lured away from the laid table. (Ad)