Wellie cheese contaminated with EHEC bacteria

Wellie cheese contaminated with EHEC bacteria / Health News

All cheese varieties of the brand Wellie should be contaminated with EHEC bacteria. The consumer ministry warns against eating the cheese.

(02.06.2010) All cheeses of the company Hofkäserei Wellie are said to be contaminated with EHEC bacteria, for this reason the Federal Ministry of Consumer Affairs warns all consumers against consumption. EHEC bacteria (enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli) can cause severe diarrhea or even dangerous kidney damage in humans. The farm cheese dairy Wellie has meanwhile responded and recalled all cheese products from the trade.

As the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Consumer Affairs announced, the cheeses from Wellie should be contaminated with the coli bacteria "EHEC". Affected are all cheeses and all expiration dates of the manufacturer. Those who are infected with these bacteria may suffer from diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. In individual cases, even a hemolytic uremic syndrome can be called forth. This can damage the kidneys in the long term. Further complications such as cerebral haemorrhage, neurological disorders and damage to the pancreas and heart may occur in rare cases as a consequence of disease.

Patients who have already eaten the cheese should consult a doctor immediately if symptoms develop and drink plenty of water. The cheese is recognizable by the brand name on the packaging as well as the mark "NW 10104". If you have already bought the cheese, it should not be eaten. The Wellie cheese can be returned to retailers, the costs are usually reimbursed.

Meanwhile, Hofkäserei Wellie reacted immediately and recalled all cheese products from the market. As a reason for the contamination, the company indicates a technical defect of the new heating system. The Wellie cheese can not be bought as usual in the supermarket, but this is sold almost exclusively in small shops. Ask your local cheese store if it's the Wellie brand before buying the cheese. (Sb)

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