Wellness enjoyment Cancer patients should be careful

Wellness enjoyment Cancer patients should be careful / Health News

Wellness for Cancer Patients: Enjoy with caution

A relaxing massage with essential oils or a pleasant fango pack: wellness oases with various offerings are booming, especially in the cold and dark seasons. Also, many cancer patients would like to treat them, but are unsure if this is good for them. Health experts explain the pros and cons.

Relax in the wellness oasis

When it rains or snows outside and the wind blows cold, many people treat themselves to pleasant wellness offers. Whether it be a heat therapy with red light, a fango pack, a thermal bath or a massage with essential oils - the body then feels relaxed and comfortably warm. Many cancer patients also wish for this comfort, but are often unsure whether this is advisable in their situation. The Cancer Information Service of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) explains the pros and cons in a communication.

Even cancer patients want to treat themselves to spa treatments such as massages or fango packs. However, you should first inform your doctor in advance about possible risks. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

Diffuse fears

The reason for the concerns of many cancer patients is the diffuse fear, heat of any kind, the tumor could break out again or accelerate.

Another thesis: Tumor cells could spread through massaging, pressing or kneading in the body.

"For both there is currently no reliable evidence. In principle, however, we recommend talking with the attending physician in advance, "said Dr. med. Susanne Weg-Remers, Head of the Cancer Information Service at the DKFZ.

Circulation can be weakened

Hot baths, saunas or massages can alter the circulation and thus influence the metabolism. In view of the special situation of cancer patients, it is therefore advisable to be careful.

Because during and often even after a stressful treatment, the circulation may be weakened.

Then the body may not handle too much heat. Incidentally, this also applies to the hot water bottle and the hot bath at home.

Advice from experts

The DKFZ lists what to bear in mind:

  • Many cancer therapies make the skin temporarily more sensitive and too long bathing in warm water can soften it. To what extent mineral salts, essential oils, mud and other packs or scrubs and massages can be used, the doctor should decide.
  • Especially after surgery, skin stress should be avoided before completing wound healing in the affected area. Also, care should be taken during radiation therapy.
  • Mechanical manipulations and massages on a suspected or already diagnosed tumor should be better avoided.
  • If lymph nodes are removed or irradiated, or if a tumor displaces the lymph channels, heat or improper manipulation increase the risk of lymphedema.
  • When using essential oils, the allergy risk must be considered. If they are too concentrated, they can irritate the skin or the respiratory tract.
  • Swimming pools and wellness facilities are frequented by many people, so that the germ load is correspondingly high. The body's defenses can be impaired by therapy and thus be overwhelmed.

Individual decision

What one man can tolerate well can have negative consequences for another: One breast cancer patient can easily go to the sauna, while the other develops lymphoedema in the arm.

If one patient has no problems with the skin despite radiotherapy or chemotherapy, the other person may show severe skin reactions after a fango pack. Therapy sequences that have already healed can reappear.

Therefore, when deciding on or against heat applications of any kind, massages and wellness at home, the individual situation of the patient is always decisive. Contact person for an assessment is the attending physician. (Ad)