Which oil is important and healthy?

Which oil is important and healthy? / Health News

Choosing the right oil for the diet


High fat products are commonly associated with the development of obesity and obesity. But the body is basically dependent on the supply of fats - only on the right selection is important. This is especially true for the use of edible oil in the preparation of different foods. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) gives hints on which oil is particularly suitable for health purposes for which purpose.

„Simple edible oils, called table oil, edible oil, vegetable oil or salad oil, are mostly mixtures of different vegetable oils“, reports the DGE. Vegetable oils obtained by pressing are usually additionally refined in order to liberate them from impurities and to increase their shelf life. However, cold-pressed, native oils are available, which are obtained only by pressing the respective plant species. In terms of taste, these offer advantages and they can generally have more healthy ingredients. However, have „refined oils versus unrefined longer shelf life and lower pollutant content“, reports the DGE.

Which oil for which food?
According to the DGE, the different oils are suitable for the preparation of food to varying degrees. So for example „cold-pressed oils, especially for the preparation of salads, appetizers and desserts“ to offer. When the cold-pressed oils are heated, however, their valuable ingredients are lost. In addition, because the fatty acids they contain are sensitive and easily oxidized, their shelf life is limited, the nutrition experts report. However, the tasteless, refined oils could be used in both the hot and cold kitchen, the DGE note continues. The cold-pressed vegetable oils are usually named after the respective plant species, whereby a purity of at least 97 must be guaranteed. „unmixed“ Edible oils are obtained one hundred percent from the eponymous plant.

Composition of fatty acids crucial
Essentially, from a health point of view, the composition of fatty acids in the various edible oils is of particular importance. Here, a distinction is generally made between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the former in the unhealthy fats are particularly strong and the latter are considered their healthy counterpart. Especially the saturated fatty acids promote the development of overweight and they are associated with the development of various health complaints. By increasing the cholesterol level, the unsaturated fatty acids may promote the occurrence of arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis), a heart attack or stroke. Saturated fatty acids, for example, are increasingly contained in palm and coconut oil.

Health-promoting unsaturated fatty acids
The unsaturated fatty acids, however, a cholesterol-lowering effect is attributed. For example, they reduce the blood levels of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Even better, however, are the polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid) or omega-6 fatty acid (linoleic acid). you „lower the triglyceride level, improve the blood flow properties and thus prevent deposits in the blood vessels“, reports the German Nutrition Society. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids strengthen the immune system and inhibit inflammatory reactions in the body. As good sources of omega-3 fatty acids called the DGE „Rapeseed, walnut, soybean and linseed oil.“ According to the experts, the reference value for the intake of alpha-linolenic acid is 0.5 percent of the total energy intake. „Adults can achieve this with about 10 to 17.5 grams of rapeseed oil (1 to 1.5 tablespoons)“, reports the DGE.

Trans fatty acids pose a health risk
Critical to the health are in addition to the saturated fatty acids and the so-called trans-fatty acids, which, according to the DGE „produced during the industrial processing of fats and oils that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids.“ Trans fatty acids increase LDL cholesterol and lower healthy HDL cholesterol in the blood, DGE reports. In addition, the trans fatty acids increase the need for unsaturated fatty acids, which is why foods that are rich in these fatty acids should only rarely be consumed, explain the nutrition experts.

When roasting, use refined oils
If the oil is to be used for frying, according to the DGE „particularly heat-stable, refined vegetable oils whose smoke point is above 160 ° C.“ For example, refined rapeseed oil, olive oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil or corn oil may be used. For other vegetable oils, the smoke point may be exceeded and the previously mentioned trans fatty acids may form. In addition to the heat stability, the DGE claims to attach particular importance to the composition of the fatty acids in the edible oils. Here is „due to the fatty acid pattern rapeseed oil for frying, but also for general use in the kitchen“, highly recommended. The rapeseed oil is characterized by the favorable ratio of linoleic acid to alpha-linolenic acid and thus contributes to an increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids. (Fp)

Picture: twinlili