What is the interval between pregnancies?

What is the interval between pregnancies? / Health News

Fast consecutive pregnancies pose a risk to both mother and child?

Pregnancy and subsequent childbirth are associated with significant stress on the body, so it should first regenerate before re-pregnancy. But how long does the body need for this? And what are the risks of short intervals between birth and re-pregnancy??

Scientists from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Harvard T.H. In a recent study, Chan School of Public Health has investigated how the time gap between the last childbirth and a new pregnancy affects maternal and child health. At least one year off should be respected to avoid unnecessary health risks. Their results were published in the journal "JAMA Internal Medicine".

How long should the gap between pregnancies be to avoid unnecessary health risks for mother and child? (Image: pressmaster / Fotolia.com))

Nearly 150,000 pregnancies evaluated

Many couples wish for more children and are faced with the question of how long they should wait after the first birth. The US scientists have now made a medical evaluation in their current study. In 148,544 pregnancies they analyzed the effects of the time gap between pregnancies on the risks for mothers and babies. The data was compiled from birth records, billing codes, hospital records, prescription data and census records.

Increased risk of maternal mortality

The research team led by principal author Laura Schummers of the University of British Columbia found that women over the age of 35, who became pregnant six months after an earlier birth, were at 1.2 percent (12 cases per 1,000 pregnancies) for maternal mortality or had severe morbidity. With a waiting period of 18 months between pregnancies, this risk was reduced to 0.5 percent (five cases per 1,000 pregnancies).

Prolonged premature birth at a low pregnancy distance

In younger women (20 to 34 years), the researchers found a significantly higher risk of premature birth (8.5 percent), if only a gap of six months was observed between pregnancies. If the gap was at least 18 months, the risk dropped to 3.7 percent (37 cases per 1,000 pregnancies). Even in women over the age of 35 years, the risk of spontaneous premature births was only six months apart - about six percent compared to 3.4 percent with a gap of 18 months.

Increased risk to children especially among younger women

There was an increased risk of unwanted fetal and child-related consequences due to a lack of distance between women, especially among younger women (2% at 6 months versus 1.4% at 18 months), whereas older women showed only slight differences (2.1 % at 6 months vs. 1.8% at 18 months).

Plan for a break of twelve to 18 months

Overall, the "study found an increased risk for mother and child, when pregnancies are close together, even for women who are older than 35 years," said the lead author of the study, Laura Schummers, in a press release by UBC. The results are particularly important for older women, as they would often tend to plan their pregnancies more closely. Twelve to 18 months seem to be the ideal period between birth and re-pregnancy, the expert reports.

Causes of the increased health risks unclear

Why the short absences lead to increased health risks, is not apparent from the current study, but the scientists have some assumptions. For example, "short absences may reflect unplanned pregnancies, especially among young women," explains Drs. Sonia Hernandez-Diaz, Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This could be accompanied by factors such as poorer birth preparation.

Observe observance of the pregnancy distance

"Whether the increased risks are due to the fact that our body does not have time to recover when we get pregnant shortly after delivery or factors that are associated with unplanned pregnancies" remains unclear, but the recommendations are independent, says Hernandez-Diaz. It is important to improve contraception immediately after birth and to refrain from unprotected intercourse.

Documentable statements on the ideal pregnancy distance

The current study results provide mothers with testimony for the first time in order to determine the ideal gap between their pregnancies. Wendy Norman from the University of British Columbia. "Achieving this optimal one-year interval should be feasible for many women and clearly worthwhile to reduce the risk of complications"; so the conclusion of the expert. The study is the most comprehensive assessment to date of how pregnancy distance affects maternal mortality, severe morbidity and life-threatening complications in pregnancy and delivery. (Fp)