Christmas Minister of Health warns pregnant women against alcohol

Christmas Minister of Health warns pregnant women against alcohol / Health News

Alcohol in pregnancy: Minister of Health advises the consistent renunciation

That high alcohol consumption harms health is known to most people. But even small amounts of alcohol can cause damage - even in unborn children. Pregnant women should therefore consistently abstain from alcoholic beverages.

Enjoy the Christmas holidays

Cookies, gingerbread, roast: Most people want to enjoy the holidays. For many, this includes alcohol. But for expectant mothers, the consumption of alcoholic beverages should be taboo. Because alcohol consumption during pregnancy can have serious consequences. Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml points this out in a communication.

Pregnant women should consistently abstain from alcohol on Christmas and New Year's Eve. Because even small amounts of alcohol can have serious health consequences for the unborn child. (Image: highwaystarz /

Even a glass can be dangerous

Many people still do not realize that alcohol consumption has implications for the unborn child. Even some pregnant women, the alcohol taboo is unknown.

For example, in a survey, around 18 percent of Germans considered alcohol acceptable during pregnancy.

However, many children who were exposed to alcohol in the womb later suffer secondary damage. Even a glass is dangerous, warn health experts, as well as Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml.

Serious health consequences for the unborn child

"For Christmas dinner or New Year's Eve, pregnant women should consistently abstain from alcohol," said Huml, who is a licensed doctor.

"Because: Even a small amount of alcohol like a glass of sparkling wine can have serious health consequences for the unborn child. It is also important that pregnant women are supported by their family and friends or acquaintances. "

The consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy can lead to malformations as well as developmental disorders and mental retardation in the affected children.

Experts assume that around 4,000 children with the so-called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and 10,000 other children with different degrees of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are born each year in Germany.

In addition, especially in the case of the lighter alcohol spectrum disorders, a considerable number of unreported cases should be assumed.

Most common cause of congenital disability

"It is still too little known that mother's alcohol consumption is the most common cause of hereditary disability during pregnancy," says Huml.

"It affects the children throughout their lives - and the damage and disability would be completely avoidable," said the minister.

The information campaign launched in the Free State in 2012 entitled "Pregnant? Null Promille "has summarized valuable information and tips for expectant mothers and their companions. (Ad)