Christmas risk for cats Swallowed tinsel can quickly become knotted in the stomach

Christmas risk for cats Swallowed tinsel can quickly become knotted in the stomach / Health News
Quick action required: When cats swallow tinsel
For the majority of Germans, a Christmas tree will also be in the apartment at Christmas, which will be decorated with tinsel, among other things. The swaying stripes, which also glitter and rustle, are often irresistible to domestic cats. That can be dangerous. Swallowed tinsel can knot in the stomach. In an emergency, swift action is required.

Swallowed objects can damage the gastrointestinal tract
Batteries, five-mark pieces, razor blades, safety pins: Recently, a doctor from Bielefeld was told who wrote down in a book what he found in his working life. Swallowed small parts can lead to severe damage in the gastrointestinal tract. This not only applies to humans, but also to animals. So many domestic cats are currently at particular risk. Because the tinsel that swings back and forth on the Christmas tree invites you to play.

If cats play with the oscillating tinsel on the Christmas tree, something can break. Worse is when the four-legged friends swallow the threads. Because that can have dangerous consequences. (Image: tibanna79 /

Tinsel is a toy for many cats
Not only children, but also some domestic cat enjoys the Christmas time. The four-legged friends are often particularly interested in the tinsel on the Christmas tree, which glistens, moves and can be caught with the paws.

But the glitter threads are dangerous for the four-legged, if they are swallowed. If the Christmas decorations are not removed quickly then they can knot in the gastrointestinal tract and lead to life-threatening situations.

In the worst case, an operation is imminent
In the worst case, he even has to be surgically removed, warns the organization Aktion Tier in a recent press release. But it does not have to get that far.

If the cat has swallowed tinsel, keepers should give their cat grass to eat. This is "the fastest and safest way to get rid of foreign bodies," said veterinarian Dr. Tina Hölscher. The threads can be broken more easily.

Another tip: Add a teaspoon of paraffin oil to the food and stir it into a porridge.

Sauerkraut in wet food
"If that does not work, you can also add a bit of sauerkraut to the wet food," says the veterinarian. The sauerkraut in turn devours with the tinsel and has laxative effect.

If all else fails, a veterinarian must be consulted.

In order not to let it get that far, it makes sense for cat owners to decorate the Christmas tree instead of tinsel with better for cats harmless material such as straw stars and Co. (Ad)