Christmas without stress, anger and quarrel That works!

Christmas without stress, anger and quarrel That works! / Health News
Tips for a really harmonious Christmas
Actually, Christmas is considered the festival of love. But sometimes on Christmas Eve there is not only harmony and joyful faces. How much does such an evening stress when expectations are high among all those involved? Is it even possible to host a stress-free party? The experts from the health insurance AOK now published some helpful hints on this topic.

Every Christmas, the whole family comes together again. It is extensively enjoyed the rich Christmas dinner, drunk and laughed. But often there is a lot of stress behind all this harmony. The food usually has to be prepared for hours, the selection of gifts is not easy and then there are still the relatives. Or your own family visits the parents-in-law, has to travel long distances and spend hours in the car. In such situations, stress can arise. And before you know it, the dispute is with your partner or relatives.

Christmas is associated with stress for many people, which could easily be avoided. (Image: Kaspars Grinvalds /

Do not have too much expectations for Christmas
Most Germans try every year again to host the perfect Christmas. Usually with moderate success. There are countless ways that things can go wrong that day. The fir-tree has grown too small or not enough. The cake is burned or the roast has become too dry. The children are loud and argue all day or the kinship behaves wrong. In such situations, you should try to stay calm. The personal requirements for a great Christmas are great, but does everything really have to be perfect? It is like everywhere in life, who has too high expectations, is mostly disappointed. Become better aware that not everything can be perfect, and even on Christmas Eve, peace, joy and harmony do not always have to reign, explains the AOK.

Division of tasks to combat stress
During the holidays, in many families, all relatives come together to celebrate. With so many different people spending time in one place, it can easily lead to small quarrels. What can we do to make the situation more harmonious and avoid conflict? There is a simple trick everyone should be aware of. Preparing for Christmas should not be just a single person. It works more harmoniously and much better when all those involved form small groups and then help to complete the various tasks. For example, the health insurance fund AOK suggests that each of the relatives or other participants should help in the preparation of the meal. So everyone could take on a small task and have later the good feeling to have actively contributed to the Christmas dinner.

Go out to the fresh air
Do not just sit in the living room all day, go out in the fresh air with the whole family. Take, for example, a Christmas walk, advise the experts of the AOK. Maybe you also make small trips to interesting places in their vicinity. So every family member has the time to find some peace and quiet. Such activities provide space for all participants and allow them to relax. When you sit in a room with ten family members all day long, you are much more likely to miss a person's space and argue.

Stay calm and relaxed
If, despite all these little tricks, sometime stress still arises, you just pull back, take a deep breath and try to find your inner peace. Always be aware that everything is not always harmonious and reflective. It is important that you just stay calm and try to be relaxed, said the experts of the AOK. Many people would stress themselves with the pressure that Christmas must be perfect and harmonious. (As)