What helps with spicy food?

What helps with spicy food? / Health News

What helps with spicy food to relieve the burning sensation in the mouth? Milk reduces the sharpness in the mouth, as indicated by the professional association of ENT specialists.

(18.07.2010) After a spicy meal, most people feel a strong burning sensation in their mouth. But many resort to the wrong means and try the burning sensation in the mouth u.a. with water, juices or beer to extinguish. This may increase the burning sensation and the sharpness is intensified. The Association of Otolaryngologists points out that it is best if a glass of cold milk neutralizes the sharpness in the mouth.

"Sharpness", however, is not a taste of its own, but horseradish (capsaicin) which can be found, among other things. in chili peppers, have an effect on the pain receptors in the oral mucosa and tongue. The effect of "capsaicin" causes a burning in the mouth and sometimes in the throat.

In addition to milk, yogurt, cheese, quark and white bread help to reduce the sharpness. Dairy products help, since pheromones are not water-soluble but fat-soluble. Soft white bread is suitable because it absorbs the shering substances in the mouth. In an actual burning, sufferers should first eat white bread and then drink a glass of milk. After a few minutes, the burning sensation in the mouth becomes relative again.

Again and again one wonders why other people evidently tolerate more spicy food than others. The answer is simple: The more often you eat spicy food, the more habituation effect will occur. So if you eat more often hot, can withstand higher levels of severity. Spicy food can also help with summer heat. The sharpness stimulates sweating. By sweating, in turn, the body is cooled. Pepper also finds favor in natural medicine: pepper helps with menstrual disorders. (Sb)

Also read:
Pepper for menstrual disorders

Picture: M. Grossmann / pixelio.de