What helps with mosquito bites?

What helps with mosquito bites? / Health News

What helps with mosquito bites? First aid with insect bites.

(12.07.2010) It is summer and therefore high season for mosquitoes and mosquito bites. Mosquito bites are hard to prevent, but what do you do once you've been stung and the itching is unbearable.

After a mosquito bite the skin itches and swells slightly. To relieve the swelling and especially the itching helps an old and simple home remedy: It is best to cool the affected area with a cold cloth. It is best to use a damp, cold cloth so that it is repeatedly soaked in cold water until the itching subsides. However, ice cubes are unsuitable because they can lead to frostbite of the skin under certain circumstances. Conventionally, cooling ointments from the pharmacy can be used. However, such means are actually superfluous, since the cooling works best with a damp cloth. In addition, possible side effects and Hautreitzungen by chemical ointments are not excluded. To relieve the symptoms also help a variety of homeopathic remedies of natural medicine. These include "Staphysagria C 200" or "Staphysagria D 3 Dil". Just ask a pharmacist or a naturopath of your own.

Foresight still works best. In order not to get mosquito bites, it is advisable in the evening for a long time to wear air-permeable pants and long-sleeved T-shirts, as well as stockings. So-called insect screens can be attached to the windows to prevent the mosquitoes from getting into the apartment. Natural defenses such as "citronella" in candles can also keep mosquitoes away. (Sb)

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Picture: Kerstin 1970