What helps with heartburn at night?

What helps with heartburn at night? / Health News

Heartburn at night - what to do when the pain steals your sleep?

According to the results of a US survey with 2,603 ​​participants, a large number (approximately 45 percent) of heartburn patients also suffer from the painful burning sensation behind the sternum (chest pain) at night. About half of them feel the symptoms of the disease at night even more intense than during the day. Falling asleep and staying asleep are the result.

Adequate sleep is an essential prerequisite for the body to regenerate and to be permanently effective. If the night's sleep is disturbed more often by the painful occurrence of heartburn, the concentration and performance of those affected decreases massively and it can cause long-term significant health problems. Because persistent lack of sleep does not weaken the immune system and can lead to changes in metabolic activity. In addition, the esophagus is more strongly attacked by nocturnal heartburn as during the day, as the mucosa is exposed to the contact with the aggressive gastric acid through the reduced swallowing reflex during sleep and less of the acid-neutralizing saliva is produced during sleep. In addition, the shallow storage in the bed contributes to the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus is favored ...

Heartburn (reflux) arises as a painful disease in the esophagus, which leads as a tubular, muscular organ from the pharynx through the chest and into the abdomen. At the transition to the stomach sits a sphincter, which should prevent the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus. If this muscle is not fully functional, gastric acid enters the esophagus and produces a painful burning sensation behind the sternum on contact with the esophageal mucosa. In many patients, this process is further intensified by a diaphragmatic fracture. In addition, the overproduction of gastric acid and drainage disturbances at the transition from the stomach to the duodenum may also be the cause of a reflux disease.

Experts assume that about 10 to 20 percent of Germans suffer from reflux, with about 10 percent develop inflammation of the esophagus as a result of chronic heartburn, says Professor Ekkehard Schippers, chief physician at the Surgical Clinic of the Würzburg Juliusspital and head of the department General and Visceral Surgery. He further explained that in about 10 percent of patients with inflamed esophagus, there is subsequent conversion of the inflamed mucosa into highly dangerous esophageal cancer.

Help with heartburn at night

Night-time heartburn, however, can be avoided in most cases, as well as 80 percent of the general reflux diseases by a few simple rules of conduct. If the affected only pay attention to a few little things, they have already been helped a lot in most cases. Thus, the experts advise the person concerned before falling asleep to try to bring about conscious relaxation for body and mind. Learning relaxation techniques, e.g. Yoga, tai chi, self hypnosis or autogenic training can help sustainably here. In addition, the bedroom well ventilate and most importantly: in the evening no pronounced meals or shortly before going to bed nothing more to eat. In addition, a walk after meals is generally beneficial, as the digestion is stimulated and the stomach calms down.

In addition, the skilled artisan advises to slightly increase the head of the bed to prevent gastric reflux into the esophagus even at night. In case of severe obesity, the pressure in the abdomen is increased and heartburn is favored, in overweight patients weight reduction is also advisable. The renunciation of alcohol and cigarettes can also help to alleviate the symptoms noticeably. Some physicians and Internet sites also offer checklists for those affected, with the help of which they can change their habits so that the symptoms disappear in most cases, or at least noticeably weakened.

If the heartburn nevertheless persists for a longer period of time, the experts advise to consult the doctor in any case. Because „if the mucous membrane is inflamed and if the affected person has recurrent complaints, surgery may be useful“, so Schippers. As part of the minimally invasive procedure can be closed so a possible diaphragmatic hernia and strengthen the sphincter. This approach may be advisable especially for patients who have no effect on the available drugs. also „Of course, especially for younger people, the question of long-term medication is raised“, so Schippers. „Does a young person really want to take pills all his life to avoid heartburn, even if surgery helps him in the long term??“ (Fp)

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Self-treatment for heartburn due to reflux
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